Chapter 1

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Kacey's POV

"I am just a girl who chose to love, little did I know I was tearing a relationship..."

It was a fresh start, a new house, new neighbourhood, new school, and new friends. It was the first day of school and I already felt complete, having the feeling of belongingness is great unlike my past school where everything went downhill.

"Well now I swear I will make this the best year of my life!" I shouted.

I went downstairs and grabbed a packed snack my mom prepared.

"Good luck on your first day sweetheart, I know you'll do great, make sure to eat and try to find new friends. I love you." Mom said. I went outside and found my dad cleaning the car I quickly kissed his cheek and told him that I needed to go to school.

I put on my headphones and played some songs from Taylor Swift's 1989 album and began walking to school since it's just a 15 minute walk.


I finally arrived at school, "This is it." I silently whisper to myself. This school looks so beautiful, the ambiance is calming and aesthetically pleasing.

I went inside and,

"Hey" I suddenly hear a voice from behind... I turned and I see a guy standing in front of me, he's tall, handsome, has grey beautiful eyes, and the perfect smile. It's like someone who you would imagine to be the perfect man.

"Uh you don't look familiar, new here? What's your name?" He asked me. As a normal person would do, you would've answered the question but I'm not a normal person, I started to sweat, stutter then I just ran from him.

What was I thinking?! That was such a dumb thing to do. I kept running until someone shouted my name, "Kacey!" a girl exclaimed.

How would someone know my name if I haven't told anyone yet? I turned around and I saw Anne, she was my friend in junior high then she transferred to another school in seniors, I never knew she would be here.

"Hey Kacey so nice to meet you again I don't know if you remember but we went to school together back then. Well you're in luck since I'm a part of the student board this school year, I can tour you around this beautiful campus."

Anne toured me around and it made me calm, she gave me a mini map and showed me all of the different facilities.

Whilst she was touring me I just thought of the cute boy and when will be the chance to meet him again, of course introducing myself in a well-mannered and less running way.

Anne cuts my thought and tells me "Kacey this is someone who has almost the same schedule as you, I hope you get together well because you will mostly spend a lot of time with him."

I turned around it was that same boy who had the perfect smile which is also the same boy I walked out of.

"Hey you were that girl who bailed on me a while ago." He laughed. "Hehehe yah I'm sorry about that I'm kind of a shy person especially when talking to someone as cute as... Oh uhm I mean someone as..."

Yes I'm a nervous talker and I become honest when I'm nervous not a great trait of mine.

"Cute?" He questioned with a smirk on his face. "I'm Julius and you're?" "Kacey" I said he reached out his hand and I shook it. "I think we should go to class you don't want to be late in your first class right?"

We went to our first class and I couldn't help but just stare at him the whole time. Do you know that feeling when you're just staring at someone and they just suddenly look back and smile? Yes it is breath taking.

The bell rings signalling the end of the school day.

"I hope you enjoyed your first day here, nothing much really happens around here and sometimes it becomes boring but the people here are great and I know you'll fit in perfectly here." Julius said.

I gave him a weak smile, "uh- thank you" a weird response but hey, I'm weird.
The day ended and he walked me back home and from that day forward I felt... Complete.

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