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Yoon Y/n

A few days has passed since the little accident in the alleyway. Seungbae insists to walk me home every night making Bum suspicious, but I convinced him that it was nothing to worry about.

It was a sunny afternoon, I was dismissed earlier than I expected, so I made my way back home as quickly as possible to surprise my husband and child.

I reached the front steps of our house. It was eerily quite.

"Is no one home?" I thought as I twisted the doorknob to reveal a horrible sight.

"C-C/n?" My eyes widened as I saw my 6 year old daughter/son lying on the floor in a pool of his/her own blood.

I looked around to find all the furniture disorganized. The picture frames were shattered, there was glass everywhere. A plant pot fell making dirt splatter all around.

I continued to look around until I found something that made my stomach drop.

"Bum.." I said as I looked at my husband who was holding a bloody knife with a frightened look.

I saw Bum's mouth move but I heard no noise come out as I felt my body fall and my vision turning black.

Save me...please || Seungbae x readerWhere stories live. Discover now