Chapter 18: Who knew he had a sweet side?

Start from the beginning

Me; Nope, no plans. Why?

Aria; REALLY don't know why, but do you want to hang out?

Me; Why so you can offend me more?

Aria; Lol no, I just need to get out of the house.

Me; Pick you up at 12?

    I sat my phone down and crossed my arms behind my head. This past week I have seen Aria walk out of the Gym with several red spots and a few scraps. Alison has just been gunning for Aria. There isn't anything I can do to help her in that situation, but if I can be of any help here and now, then I will try. Deciding that sleep just isn't for me and I have some hours to kill, I jump in the shower.

    The hot water hits my shoulders and started relaxing the muscles in them. I lean my hands against the wall, trying to let the water hit my back and erase the rest of the tension from my body. The only thing the water can't erase was the memories. Great, now I'm tense again. I keep playing that night in my head repeatedly. If I had gotten there any later she wouldn't have made it, neither would Derek. I need to stop this train of thought while I can. Damnit, Derek, I haven't thought about that night for a long time. Why?

    Wanting to slam my fist into the wall but not being able to afford to make that much noise. I decided to just turn off the water and get out because it doesn't seem to be working for me. Why the hell now of all times? Does he decide that it's time to make me feel like shit again? I understand it's almost been a year but does he have to keep reminding me every chance he gets.

    I get that it's my fault and if I had just done things differently, maybe nothing would have happened but things didn't happen differently. If I had just tried harder and gotten her to stay away from HIM.

    I can't stop thinking about her and the fact that she's gone from our lives. I keep telling myself to stop thinking about her and about everything, but I can't. Derek knew what he was doing when he brought that night up, I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it.

    As if I still don't punish myself enough. 12 couldn't come any faster. Laying back down on my bed, I close my eyes and try to sort through my thoughts. I laid there for about 30 minutes before deciding to take out my phone and do a little research.

    "Aria Nova (15) was behind the wheel of the car with her Father "David Nova (46)" in the passenger seat. They were stopped at a red light while waiting for it to turn green. When the light turned green she proceeded to go when a truck driver "Steve Douglas and recovering alcoholic (49)" Ran a red light crashing into the passenger's side instantly killing David on impact. Michael Davis was said to have taken medication (Adhd pills) to stay awake during his long drive and passed out from dehydration as well as exhaustion. Aria was rushed to the hospital unconscious and we aren't sure of her injuries at this time."

    I must have fallen asleep because I hear a rustling in the kitchen and realize that he's awake. Quickly and as quietly as I can, I grab my stuff and head out my bedroom window. Glancing at my phone, I realize it's 11:42. Crap, better hurry, I'm going to be late, although that's part of my charm.

    I pull up to her house and realize I'm on my bike. She's just going to need to get over it. She messaged me so late that I didn't have time to ask Erik for his car. As I'm walking up to her steps, the front door flies open, startling me. She comes out, racing past me and halting to a stop when she sees my bike. "You have got to be kidding me?" I laughed and handed her my spare helmet. "Take it or leave it princess" She smirks at my comment and straps the helmet on her head. "Also, make sure you hold on tight" I winked at her causing her to roll her eyes at me and climbing on. "Wipe that smile off your face before I do it for you," I let out a hearty laugh, and she slapped me.

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