Chapter 4

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Once back in Nexa, Sofie felt a wave of deja-vu wash over her. It had been over 10 years since she had been home. She recognized certain things, but others were completely unfamiliar.

She decided to try and find an old friend, someone she knew would probably still be in the same place. She ventured to the main town square from the port. The capital city, Ambury, was her hometown and consequently the busiest and most prosperous city on the planet. The population density was high in the city center, but it had plenty of sprawl and you could find the rural areas if you traveled far enough.

Sofie began to walk in the general direction of her friend's house and kept an eye out for anybody who looked like they might be traveling far. She asked about a dozen people if they were heading towards Estercester before she finally found someone.

It cost her a set of robes, but she knew it'd be worth it and parted with them easily.

She sat in the back of a hovercraft also carrying grain and the city slowly turned into homes, and then finally open land. She enjoyed the wind and scenery that she had missed. Large mountains stood in the distance, gently capped by white snow. The air was somewhat chilly, but she didn't mind it with her cape.

She watched as speeders went past them, she was glad to choose the cheaper and more relaxing option.

Finally, they arrived at her second path. She could see the house in the distance. She thanked the man who had taken her and started walking. Butterflies floated in her stomach as she walked. What if her friend didn't recognize her? What if she had decided that she disliked her?

Sofie had known her friend Ress for as long as her memory would let her remember. They both went to a small, private school generally chosen by people looking for a more "prestigious" setting and reputation. Ress's father was a successful Archivist and considered himself a scholar with studies done in his spare time.

Sofie finally found herself at the door and took a deep breath before knocking.

She fidgeted as sounds emitted from the house and jumped slightly when the door opened a crack.

A feminine voice interrogated her.

"What do you want?" The voice asked her. Sofie's breath caught in her throat.

"Ress...? Ress, it's me, Sofie." She said gently. Ress hesitated from behind the door but then opened it up completely. She looked at Sofie in pure shock.

"I thought you were gone forever!" Ress exclaimed. She smiled at her, half in disbelief. "Come in." She motioned towards Sofie.

Sofie gave a breath of relief. Things were still as she had left them.

The house had the feel of a cabin, cottage, and contemporary home all at once.

Sofie and Ress sat at the large wood dining table. "It's only my mom and me right now, she's working in the back. I was just making us lunch." She offered Sofie a piece of bread.

"Thank you so much, I don't think you know how much this means to me." Sofie gladly took the bread and gave Ress a huge smile.

They talked for what felt like minutes but were actually hours. Even with the periodic interruptions of her mother, father and younger sister passing through, they had too much to catch up on and easily dove back into their topics.

Sofie told her about entering the Jedi Academy and how much she had learned. She brought her up to speed on what had happened between her, Luke, the other students, and Ben. She described the scene of destruction she had just witnessed.

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