Chapter 4

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The serious tone in Peter's voice made Tom shiver. How had he not realized before that Peter's voice was so similar to his own? The whole world seemed to be a mess and Tom felt overwhelmed. After a long pause, Peter said, "Sorry, got to go to class-"
And started to walk past Peter by the doorway but, before getting away, Peter grabbed his arm to look straight into his eyes. Looking into eyes so similar to his own made Tom nervous, but within those eyes he saw something he didn't have. He saw someone else. He couldn't quite explain it but he could just tell they weren't quite the same.
With this in mind, Tom nodded and sat back down on his bed while motioning to Peter to sit next to him. With a sigh, Peter closed the door and reluctantly sat down.
"So, Peter, what the hell is going on?"
Tom said, still feeling uneasy. Peter looked at Tom with mixed emotions seeping through his glistening eyes. Then he began, "I don't know any more than you, Tom. All I know is that on the first day I saw someone who looked like me and freaked the hell out. I didn't tell you because I wanted to figure out what was going on first. It's also why I've been pretty cold to you and the rest of the school. Sorry about that..."
Tom nodded trying to figure out what to say. As he looked at Peter more, he realized how different his eyes really were. Peter's eyes were different colored and in Tom's opinion, sadder. They looked sad and longing but Tom didn't understand enough of the situation to say anything. As much as he wanted to comfort the sad eyes looking up at him, he was too freaked out to do anything.
"Well, I'll help you figure out what's going on then I guess," Tom says with another nod. Peter smiled, but then a serious tone came from his lips.
"But... you won't tell anyone right? We can't have anyone finding out. Who knows what would happen then."
"Of course. It'll be our secret."
Feeling a bit closer to his roommate, Tom smiled even though his confusion still overwhelmed him. Peter then stood up, put on his regular outfit to hide his face, and walked out of the door. Once he was gone Tom realized the insanity of the situation and went back to his worried state of being utterly dumbfounded.
Nonetheless, Tom had to continue as normal and go through the rest of the morning in a daze. When he walked into the classroom and sat down, Sienna stormed up to him and screamed.
"Well... where is it?!?"
"Uhhh, where is what?" Tom stared at her for a few moments.
Sienna's face then turned from annoyance to anger. Through her abundance of makeup she caked her face there was a clear red tint to her face.
"Are you shitting me? The English project. It's due TODAY Tom. How could you be so irresponsible?!"
Tom's eyes slightly widened as he remembered their interaction from early. In his state of confusion, Tom has completely forgotten to bring the project, let alone add the finishing touches he needed. Sienna left Tom's desk as the bell rang with a simple flip of the middle finger and a roll of her eyes.
After a few minutes into the lesson, Toms mind wandered back to thoughts of Peter and his eyes. They had a soft glow to them that felt sharp with specks of silvery-blue piercing through them. Tom's eyes gave off a warm welcoming feeling that he was too modest to ever admit yet for some reason Peter's eyes felt so familiar to him. The gaze longing for more and the slight hope trying to be uncovered by his own mind. Tom sighed as the bell let the students out. Tom caught Sienna's eye as he grabbed his bag off the back of his chair. Knowing she was just waiting to humiliate him or give him a hard time, Tom looked for a way to leave the classroom without her little fit he knew she'd throw.
Then, Tom noticed Peter walking down the hall. He really didn't want to go with either of them but he knew it'd be better to find out about his new 'twin' than bicker with Sienna.
So, Tom ran out of the classroom calling Peter's name. Tom would see a look of utter annoyance on Sienna's face but he grabbed Peter by the hand to get away from her. Tom felt as if he was in an action movie as he navigated down the hall for a place to hide. With this thought Tom began to get a sense he had done this type of thing before but he alas finally settled on hiding in the janitors closet. Peter stood there in disbelief as to what just happened. Both Tom and Peter just stared at each other in silence for a moment too long until the bell rang to snap them out of their dazed state. Looking down, Tom quickly noticed the intertwined hands him and Peter shared. He noticed how similar they were until Peter finally pulled his away and whispered.
"What the hell was that Tom?"
Tom stood there with a slight embarrassment over the fact he just dragged Peter into the closet with him until he simply said,
"We need to figure out how there are two of me- two of us... and we need a plan of some sort if we actually want to figure this out."
Peter looked at Tom for a moment and nodded. He then quietly said,
"Ok, let's meet today after school at 10:30 somewhere quieter than the dorm building. The library?" Tom gave a quick sigh of relief and agreed before noticing Peter's scarf had fallen down slightly through the confusion. Tom could see a perplexed look across Peter's face, so he then gently took the scarf into his hands and fixed it to cover Peter's face.
"Hey, we'll figure this out," Tom whispered to him before turning his body towards the door, "See you around."
Tom then came out of the closet and sneaked off to class with a little grin on his face. He finally felt like he would be able to get somewhere with this. Slipping into his seat, all he had to do now was wait. 

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