Chapter 17: Taking Steps

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He moves closer, "what?"

I take a deep breath, "I said I have three boyfriends."

He stares at me blinking quickly, "what the fuck? Who? Why? How?"

I sigh, "let me start from the beginning."

So, for the next hour I tell my brother the complete story missing not one detail about how I got into the situation I'm in. "So, let me get this shit straight. You have three boyfriends, one that is a demon, a vampire, and a werewolf. Who you happen to be soulmates with?" I nod. "Do you know how fucking crazy that sounds?" at this point he's pacing the room.


"You're being dead serious?"

"Yes. You deserved to know since I'm going public with all three soon."

He takes a seat next to me, "do you love them?"

Do you love them? Do you love them? The question rings in my head. Do I love them? I know seeing them sends tingles through my whole body. That I get butterflies when I'm around them. I know I feel safe and secure with them, as if nothing or no one can harm me when I'm with them. I know I think about them every second of every day. If something happened to them it'd kill me. Holy shit! I love them. How is that even possible? It's only been two months.

"You do" he says with a small smile.

I look to him, "I do" I say softy.

He pulls me into a hug, "I'm happy for you."

I smile, "thank you. Can you take me home?"


We get up and walk out to his car. He plays his music as I look out the window during the ride. They guys have been doing well with respecting my wishes with our relationship, but I'm done hiding. No one can take away the joy I feel when I'm with them. People can say what they want at this point. No one is in my relationship but the people in the relationship and that's all that matters. When we pull up to my apartment, I hug him before getting out. I quickly rush into my apartment going straight to my shower. I don't have much time and I want everything perfect.

Once I'm done in the bathroom I lotion my entire body before putting on my underclothes and doing my hair and makeup. I put light product in my hair leaving it cascading in its natural curly state down my back. For my makeup I do a simple green smokey eye with a brown nude lip. I slip on my fitting black dress and a pair of blush toned chunky peeptoe heels. I glance to see it's six thirty-eight. Ugh! I speed clean my room getting everything in order. Liam is a stickler for time so I'm sure he'll be a little early. I grab my army colored bomber jacket before walking out my room. I straighten up the rest of my apartment just as there's a knock on my door. I open it to see Liam there in grey pinstriped pants, a white polo and brown dress boots. It should be a crime to look this good.

"You look beautiful" he says pulling me to him kissing my cheek.

It gives me the opportunity to get a whiff of how good he smells. He wore my favorite. Tom Ford. "You too."

"Thank you baby. Ready?"

I grab my shoulder bag, "yes."

He grabs my hand leading me out to his truck. "Where to?" he asks once we're in.

"Rosa's please." He nods before pulling off to the Italian restaurant. "Were they mad?"

He shakes his head, "not at all."

"Are you just telling me that?"

He chuckles, "no baby. This is normal, we know it's not always going to be the four of us all the time. It's okay."

My Freak Show Life (BWWM)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin