Chapter 14: Crime & Punishment

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The long awaited chapter is here. Vote, Comment, & Fan ! : ). P.S there's a poll at the end : )


What the fuck. Xander growls.

What the fuck is right. My mate just told me that not only did she talk to the rapist, but she fucking kissed him. Has she lost her damn mind. I quickly pull off knowing that there is no talking to her now. We're already in shit because of me no need to fuck it up some more by making a scene at her job. But I'll definitely be there when that ass gets off. Pissed is an understatement for how I'm feeling right now. She must want me to kill him.

Gladly, my wolf growls.

How the hell could she kiss him after everything he's fucking done to her? She can't be that pissed about what we did. That's fucking low. Telling me before she's due for work only paused the conversation it didn't end it.

Training in ten. I link to my warriors.

If I don't take out my frustration now it's only going to get worse when I confront my mate. I'm trying to create progress and move forward since I've felt like shit all weekend. It's my fault that she wasn't talking to us all because I wanted her to be safe and be honest with her. Do I regret my decision? Fuck no, it was in the best interest of mate and I won't apologize for caring about her well-being. Do I regret not telling her? Sure. James bought it to my attention how it must've looked to our mate. And it's a shitty thing to do to someone.

"You stop or go slower than me I add an extra hour of training. We're done when I say we're done" I yell to my warriors causing them to nod. "We're starting with three miles around" I circle my finger. Usually we also train in wolf form but today is about the human body. I need to kick someone's ass and enjoy doing it. I'm sure they're going to hate me when I'm done but I don't give a fuck.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Who pissed in your Cheerios?" Oliver, my Beta, asks after an intense three-hour training session.

"Jordan" I say through a clenched jaw by way of explanation.

"Fix the fucking shit asshole." He throws his sweat towel at me before walking away.

I lean back against the mat trying to get my breathing and even. I'm I might have went a little overboard, but I needed it. Apparently, they did too, they weren't as sharp as they usually are and that's a fucking problem. He has probably been going easy on them and that's not acceptable.

"You're still alive?" I hear James asks.

I open an eye to see him in the entryway of the room. "No," I close my back. I listen as he makes his way over to me.

"Want to explain?" He asks hovering over me. I shake my head. "need some help getting up?" I nod. He grabs my hand pulling me up off the floor. "You stink."

I look at him lazily, "thanks."

He kisses me gently, "what she say to you?"

"She kissed him."

His grip on my hands tighten causing me to remove them from him. "Sorry. Are you fucking serious?"

"Why would I lie about something like that." I begin to walk out the room with him following.

"How are we going to play this?"

"Why ask me? So you can blame the next fight on me as well?"

He pulls me to a stop turning me to face him. "I was mad, and I've apologized. Let the shit go."

"Can you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Everything I do every day is for my mates and my pack but as of lately you don't trust me." He goes to say something, but I raise my hand stopping him. "Let me finish. If you trust me you'd trust that the decisions I make are in the best interest of everyone involved. Not get pissed or throw the shit in my face when it doesn't go how you want. You're not fifteen anymore Benjamin, act like it."

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