Chapter 16: Family

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As promised here's the first chapter from the Patreon experience lol. Vote, comment, & fan ! ☺️


I get out my car with Benji and Chauncey at Sue's. Our mate asked for us to meet her here. Slowly her car pulls up behind me with another truck following. She gets out smiling. We walk over to her.
"Thank you for coming" she says softly looking up at us.
"What's happening?" I ask curiously.
"I thought you didn't work today" Benji adds.
"Sue's is clearly closed" Chauncey points causing us to finally look noticing that it's indeed closed.
"I'm moving here today that's why it's closed early." She says brightly. Chauncey goes to speak but she stops him. "Later alright."
He grunts but says nothing as her brother comes up. "Charlie these are my friends Liam and Chauncey and my boyfriend Benjamin" she introduces.
"Nice to meet you" he forces out looking sternly at Benji.
"Same" Benji replies with a smirk.
"Alright, let's go." Isabella says getting between the two.
Jordan leads the way behind the building to a side entrance. No one can really blame Charles's reaction as a big brother with the history Jordan has with her first boyfriend. I'd be overprotective if it was my sister. Not to mention with all Benji's tattoos he's the poster child for don't let your daughter near me. She opens the door letting us all walk in.
"It's nice Jor" Isabella says looking around the space.
It has a homey and quaint feel which make sense because Sue's has the same atmosphere. It's pretty spacious for a two-bedroom apartment. "I know right, and Sue said I could change it up if I didn't like the neutral color scheme."
"The furniture is on the outdated side but it really fits you."
She grins widely, "I know right."
"How much is it?" Chauncey asks.
She shakes her head, "nothing, I think it's because she heard about my mother situation." She gives him a half smile.
"Let's go" Isabella says.
We walk out her apartment going back to her car getting her belongings. You could tell she's still sad about that whole situation and the fact that rumors spread like wild fire around here only magnified the situation. I can't imagine what she's feeling right now.
"I gotta go, date tonight" Charles says two hours later after we've finished moving everything.
"Ooh, can you take me home Char Char?" Isabella asks and he nods. "See you Jor, can't wait for us to destroy this place" She winks before kissing her cheek and leaving behind Charles.
"You decided this would be better than with us?" Chauncey immediately asks.
She sighs, "yes Chaun, I keep telling you I'm still seventeen I can't live with you guys. Don't I at least get credit for leaving the house?"
Benji chuckles, "she has a point."
"Shut up" Chauncey says before pulling Jordan to him kissing her deeply with his hands resting on her ass.
My phone rings snapping me out my lust induced trance. I look down seeing my mother calling causing me to groan. "Yes mother" I answer hearing Benji saying 'aw shit' behind me.
"Liam Jonathan Phillips is that anyway to speak to your dear mother?" she asks faking sadness.
I can't help but to roll my eyes, "sorry mama, how are you?"
"Better now, I'm on my way to you."
"Why? I thought you weren't coming until Christmas."
"No! No!" Benji mouths waving his arms frantically.
"Do you not wish to see us? I'm not liking your tone Liam" my mother says.
I sigh, "how far away are you?"
"Twenty minutes."
I groan, "alright I'll meet you there."
We hang up. "She's annoying. I have to go."
"Where is she?" Benji asks.
"Twenty minutes out. She always does this shit."
"We'll come with you."
"Can I come?" Jordan asks softly slipping her hand into mine. We share glances and I feel her slowly slip her hand away. "Never mind" she gives me a small sad smile.
I quickly tighten my hold on her hand. "Baby don't do that."
"No, I get it, you don't want me to meet your family. It's okay Liam."
I tilt her head up to look at me, "baby that's far from the case. I don't want you tainted by my mother. She's..." I pause looking for the right word, "difficult."
"She's a bitch" Benji says harshly causing me to glare and Chauncey to hit him in the arm.
I look back at my mate, "I don't like who I can be when she's around. I don't want to subject you to that."
She stares at me for a second. "You've never judged me Liam, so I could never think less of you or judge you. My mother isn't the best either so I get it." She leans up kissing me softly.
I pull her back to me deepening our kiss. "Fuck it."
She smiles at me, "can I change?"
I nod, and she let's go of my hand rushing to her bedroom. I really hope I don't regret this. My mother is a big pill to swallow for her kids let alone their mates. You'd think having grown up with her we'd be used to it but no chance. For a two hundred-year-old she's pretty set in her ways and not all of them are good. And what makes it worse is she has no filter and thinks everything is okay to say. It's amazing my father puts up with her. Jordan comes out her room in a loose fitting sleeved blacked dress with her curls out. She automatically takes my hand before we leave out her apartment. The drive to the house is a quiet one. Occasionally she'd squeeze my hand. When we pull up my parents' car is already in the driveway. I can't help but to groan. We get out going to the kitchen where I know she'll be.
"You're late" she automatically says without turning to face me.
"To be fair you came early mama" I say smartly.
"More like two months early" Benji says.
She slowly turns to us, "still with the queers I see."
Jordan squeezes my hand to calm me. "Yes mother, they're my mates. We've been over this enough."
"Pleasure as always Althaea " Benji says sarcastically.
My mother gives him a fake smile, "same." She looks to Jordan. "Who's the nigger?"
I can't help the hiss that comes out as Chauncey growls. "She's our mate and please do not call her out her name again."
"I said nothing wrong Liam. Watch your tone."
"This is not the same time mother. I won't repeat myself."
"I've accepted them but now you expect me to accept a nigger. I won't Liam!"
"Liam no!" Jordan whispers tightening her grip on my hand. "She's your mother."
I can feel my vision getting blurred and my fangs elongating. "I'm not asking you to accept my relationship. I don't care if you do or not, but you won't disrespect them mother. I mean it!"
She eyes me before huffing, "Zeus, your disrespectful son is here!" she yells.
My father walks in the room happily, "I love you dear but I'm sure it was you." He says kissing her cheek before hugging me. "My boy, how are you?"
I can't help my smile, "I'm good dad, how are you?"
"Still kicking" he glances at Jordan. "Who's this beautiful lady on your bony arm?"
I laugh, "my mate Jordan."
He automatically pulls her into a hug. "welcome to the family darling."
She giggles, "thank you."
This is why I suffer through with my mother. My dad is her polar opposite. He's just as old but he knows that times change so he does too. He's optimistic, calm, clear headed, and nonjudgmental. Everything my mother is not and lacks. He changes the whole atmosphere and I love that I'm a lot like him.
"Chauncey, my man" he hugs him, "still kicking ass and taking names?"
Chauncey laughs, "you know it Zeus."
He hugs Benji, "when's our next tat session?"
Benji grins, "just say the word my dude. Any fresh ones?"
He lifts up his left pant leg showing off a forest scene on his calf. "Got it two months ago when I visited Darcy in L.A."
"Are you done?" my mother asks rudely.
He smiles at her, "are you honey?"
She rolls her eyes just as Danielle, Daniel, and Maeve walks in. They automatically rush to me hugging me. Danielle and Daniel are my fourteen-year-old twin siblings and Maeve is the youngest out of the fifteen of us at ten.
"We've missed you" Danielle says.
"Same" I say with a smile, "Jordan these are my younger siblings Danielle Daniel and Maeve."
She smiles shyly at them, "nice to meet you."
They hug her catching her off guard. "You're super pretty" Maeve says.
"Thank you, you too."
"I've cooked your favorites if you cared to know" my mother says dramatically.
"Dear get over yourself" my father says smacking her on the butt.
"Fucking disgusting" Daniel says heaving.
"How do you think you got here?" he winks.
"Grab the food" my mother demands.
We grab the food going to the dining room table. I take notice that she really has made all my favorite homemade Greek dishes. I waste no time digging in. For all her flaws she's the best cook I've ever met in my life. After we eat my family excluding my mother gets to know Jordan. It's amazing watching her slowly come out her shell and be comfortable around my family. I place a gentle kiss on her cheek, glad she came with me. It could've gotten worse had she not been here to keep me calm.

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