Bonus Content: Are you sure?

Start from the beginning

I gave him a small smile. "There's... something I have to tell you..."

This is it. They'll kick me out of Gates if they found out. My college days are over. We did not attend NYU after all. Just the local college but it is still a good school. It isn't one of the Ivy League schools. Something I'm glad of. Because if it is, they'll probably kick me out. Then, maybe the dean can kick me out.

"What is it?" He asked, worry playing on his face. "Is there something wrong?"

"I'm -" I got cut off by a shrill annoying voice.


Hannah Schneider. Gosh, I hate her. She's been trying to hit on Darren for the longest time I can remember.

"Hannah," He said, politely smiling at her. Then he nervously glanced at me.

I glared at him, internally asking him to make her leave.

"I had fun last night at the party. Too bad Lea isn't part of any sorority that's why she couldn't attend." She said.

Go on, bitch. Rub it in my face that you are throwing one of those "rocking" Greek system parties.

"And," She evilly glanced at me. "I love the taste of that cocktail on my lips." Then she winked at him and showed us a picture of them kissing.

My blood boiled inside of me. I felt my stomach clench. Dammit, I'm mad. Not because he cheated on me. In three years that we've been together he cheated on me. How dare he? I'm going to kill him. He did not just hurt me but also my baby!

"Lea... It's not what you think it is." He tried to reason out.

"Really? Oh Darren, why didn't you invite me to that party? Wait. I forgot I'm not a pathetic, slutty, sorority bitch!" I yelled at him then left the deserted cafeteria.

I was crying madly. I didn't even get to tell him that I'm pregnant. With his baby! My baby. He or she will be fatherless. I don't want my life to end up like those silly pregnancy movies wherein I have to raise my child alone or put it up for adoption. Gosh, Veronica was wrong. Darren doesn't love me enough.

"Lea! Wait! I can explain!" I heard him scream while running after me. He grabbed by arm and spun me around. "Let me explain. Please..."

He looked hurt. But then, back in high school I gave him a second chance. When he cheated on me with that british girl. No more chances Mr. Knight.

"Explain what? How you love getting under girls' pants? You weren't contented with me that you have to seek another girl? You are so pathetic! Here I am thinking that you've changed. But man, was I wrong. I swear to our unborn baby that I will make your life miserable!" I screamed at him.

That caught him off guard. He looked surprised. "Unborn baby?"

I fumbled over my jean pocket for the pregnancy test stick. I threw it at him hitting his head perfectly. "Yes! I was going to tell you that I'm pregnant. This is not how I pictured my life would be." I cried harder.

He picked up the test from the ground and stared at it. He looked confused and lost. "Are you sure?"

"I took ten tests Darren! They all came out positive. Now I'm just waiting for the call of the hospital about the result of that test I took there." I said, angrily yelling at him.

"Shit, Lea, I-" He ran his hand through his hair, nervously I might add.

My phone rang inside my pocket. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hi. I'm Dr. Tames from St. George's Medical Hospital. Is this Miss Monroe?"

"Yes, it is."

"Congratulations, you're pregnant."

I am The Heiress and I Hate ItWhere stories live. Discover now