Chapter 14: The real finale.

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"Give us back Leon, you sons of bitches!" Jill screamed, driving through the wall of the rebuilt Mansion in the woods. She swerved the truck, before the trio jumped out, holding theirs guns up and shooting them. Wesker looked panicked- he hadn't expected them to find them so soon. But his face then turned into that of a snarling dog and he set his infected dogs upon the group, smiling as he saw them all stare at the masses upon masses of them. He kept one dog beside him, who looked the same as the other dogs, except for a noticeable white patch on the dogs right eye. Claire jumped onto the top of the truck, before throwing guns to Chris and Jill. The dogs kept snarling- well, that was until they got shot by the shotgun. Each time the trio's guns fired, more and more of the infected hounds went down, until eventually any survivors started to whimper, with some running away and others trying to escape before they got shot down. Wesker stared in shock, before Ada joined his side, her anger burning. Claire raised her gun at him, not being able to contain his anger anymore, before she felt her gun get kicked out of her hands by Ada. She put her full force into it, half trying to fight her off, half angry at the fact that she had stolen her one true love from her. 
"You... bitch!" she kicked Ada in the stomach, stunning her, giving her enough time to put her arms behind her back and pin her down. Ada squirmed- she didn't like her being defeated, but this time, she would have to let it slide.
"I see you've come." 
"Shut up, before I pop you right here, right now!" Claire placed her pistol on the back of her head, showing her that she meant what she said.
"Claire Redfield, can you please let my annoying accomplice go? We can explain everything."
"No. I'm not listening to you!" she turned her attention to Wesker, her eyes burning with the same fury she had felt when she saw Ada.
"Wesker, where is Leon? If you give him up, we won't do anything to her or you." Jill raised her shotgun in warning, with Chris doing the same, backing up his S.T.A.R.S member gone girlfriend.
"Why do you need him so bad? Besides, we've only just begun our little party. We will not be letting him go until-" a loud bang sounded from downstairs, making the trio become distracted at the sound. Ada seized her chance, kicking Claire off, before dashing over to the basement door. She raised her gun, but soon realised she was outnumbered as Chris also raised a gun at her, whilst Jill held her ground against Wesker, even though he could teleport and kick her ass.

Leon struggled to get up. He had tried to call for them, but they hadn't heard and upon him trying to stand up, he fell over and crashed into the table, breaking it under his weight suddenly being put on its frail wooden legs. He winced at the sound, looking up above him. He could hear them above him, walking around, but they couldn't hear him. He expected them to not have heard them, before he heard Ada walk to the door, whilst another person walked to stand near her. He waited, before Ada opened the door, making him nervous. But, then he saw her. 
"Leon! Guys, we found him!" she ran up to him, hugging him tightly. He hugged her back, grateful Ada had let his arm restraints be able to be pulled out so he could rest his arms, before pulling her away, grabbing her hand and face.
"Claire! I was so worried about you. I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for." she went to hug him again, before Ada pounced onto her, dropping a set of keys onto the floor. Leon saw them, before reaching for them, hoping one of them unlocked the cuffs on his arms. He needed to help Claire. He knew what Ada could do if you left it too late to react. He grabbed one key, frantically trying to fit it into the lock, casting glances to see how the fight between Claire and Ada was going. At some points, he thought that Claire had the upper hand, but at other points his anxiety overtook him, since Ada had gained that power. Eventually, on his fifth key, his lock opened, causing Ada to look at him as she heard it drop to the floor. Seeing her distracted, Claire took her chance, kicking Ada off of her, sending her near the stairs. Claire's head was bleeding slightly and she was breathing hard, glaring at Ada. Ada respectively glared back, before charging another attack. It was clear that neither woman would give up until the other did the same.

"Hold him, Chris! I've got this!" Jill pumped round after round into Wesker, hoping to make him weak enough so they could inject him with one of the last vials of T-virus antibodies to make it so he couldn't teleport away from them. Wesker, however, had begun to shake violently, trying to get Chris off of him. He didn't want to use his powers on Chris- he needed to conserve his strength in case he needed to teleport himself, Ada and their dog out, where they could hide and make their lives once more somewhere else. It was then he heard Ursa's growling, before she sprang onto Jill, trying to bite her.
"Goddamn dog!" she pushed the dog off, before shooting the floor near it to scare it. Ursa growled more, before springing again, aiming for Jill's neck. She stared, Wesker started smiling and Chris panicked, before seeing their own dog, Cerberus, come running in, springing the dog to the side. He then attacked, before sending the dog away, running on three legs as Cerberus had injured one of her hind legs.
"Good boy, Cerberus. Come here." he came to her side, where he sat down, growling at Wesker. However, he was having no more of it. He teleported, throwing Chris into the wall, before teleporting to deal with Jill. He was about to stab her, before Cerberus intervened, giving her chance to dodge and do what she needed to do. She injected him with the antibodies, making him begin to scream. Cerberus began to whine, but eventually stood up, the T-virus inside of him healing him to full health. He barked, before Jill also injected him with the antibodies, to stop him from becoming like the other infected canines.

Ada looked up, hearing Wesker scream. She let Claire do, dropping her knife as she did so, desperate to get to Wesker's side. But, she was too late. A singular gunshot sounded, which made her stop, before she ran faster to see if it was a different person. Claire turned to Leon, picking up the knife and going over to him.
"Go! Help them fight her!" he gave her a kiss, taking the knife and beginning to cut the binds on his legs. As soon as one bind out of however many was cut, he smiled. "Thank god I can cut it off." he thought, before hearing a loud crash upstairs. This motivated him to cut faster, switching between his legs to get out faster.

Jill took a sharp intake of breath as she was kicked in the rib and thrown to the other side of the room. Claire had come to join the fight, looking a little bit beaten down, but still so full of energy that was needed to fight Ada. She pounced on her back, which made Ada slam her against the wall, forcing Claire to hold on as she tried to reposition herself so her entire weight rested on Ada. When Claire eventually had to let go, Chris went in, trying to fight her. They didn't want to kill her and the only thing they could do was fight her with their hands and disarm her whenever she grabbed a gun. They wanted to leave her, to let her grieve before taking her down for good, but they knew that they couldn't do that anymore. She was persistent and wouldn't let them go.

After a while, Ada gave up, falling onto her hands and knees, gasping for breath. She looked at the trio, her eyes full of burning hatred for the people. First, they had took Leon from her. Second, they had killed Wesker for just trying to protect himself and her from them. Now, they were here to take Leon back and possibly kill her. Her breathing slowly started to become even as she took in more breaths, watching as her enemies went towards the basement door. She waited for one in particular, Claire, before she threw her molotov, separating her from Chris and Jill.
"Come on, Redfield! It's time for our finale!"
"Dammit! You don't know when to give it up, do you, Ada?"
"Don't worry, Claire, we won't leave without you! Just like don't die!"
"Good advice, Chris!" Claire looked as Ada raised her gun, reloaded it with the magazine they had removed and fired a shot, which almost hit Claire's shoulder as she dodged it. She charged at her, tackling her to the ground, trying to grab the gun before Ada kicked her off, going to shoot her gun. Claire dodged again, but tripped as she had to quickly dash out of the bullet's way. However, on the third shot, Claire got shot in the shoulder, making her scream out in agony. She grimaced in the pain as she landed on it, before kicking the gun out of Ada's hands and near the basement door. However, she simply removed another gun from it's hidden holster on her leg. She pointed it at Claire's head.
"Any last words?" she pulled back the safety on it, standing over her soon to be victim. 
"See you in hell." Claire snarled, her fury burning in her eyes. But, as Ada was about to pull the trigger, a gunshot sounded behind her, making Ada fall to the ground, a single bullet in her head. Claire dodged out of the way, before looking to see who it was.


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