Chapter 13: Missing.

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Leon woke up, his head pounding, his back touching something cold and his bare legs brushing something even colder. Wait... He didn't remember wearing shorts into the battle. Something was wrong. He looked around the room he was in, trying to spot anything to see, but he couldn't. The room he was in was dark. He tried to move his arms, to help support himself to sit up, but he couldn't. His arms wouldn't move. He looked at them, seeing his restraints. A chain was placed onto each arm, short in length so if he tried to fight against his captors he couldn't. He looked at his bare legs, seeing black wire wrapped around them. His legs were bent by the kneecaps, which made it perfect for the wire to go onto his shins and onto the top of his legs. He tried to move them, to see if the wire could be broken so he could stand up on his legs, but it held. He hadn't even made a dent. He sighed.
"God.. damnit. I wonder if... The group have noticed my absence." He lifted his head up, before he let if fall back onto his chest. He felt weak, his muscles had begun to ache from how long they had been strung up for and his legs had begun to numb from the wire being there, keeping them fixed in a bent position.
"Ahh. You're awake, I see? Good." The voice startled him and at first he didn't recognize it, but eventually it clicked.
"Good boy. You are slowly getting back your consciousness."
"Finally. It feels like forever since we had a third voice in our little party." Ada's voice sounded before a dim light came on, making Leon close his eyes at the sudden harshness. He opened his eyes after a few minutes had passed and he began to adjust. The room was plain- with a set of stairs leading down to it. It contained a few pieces of furniture, like a bed, table, chair and other bits that would be needed for someone to be comfortable. But it just made Leon feel worse. He didn't like it. Not one bit.

"So, how are you liking your new home, Leon? Told you I would be back for you, didn't I, big boy?"
"Why... Did you take me... From my friends?" He looked at her, his head shaking at the effort, before once more collapsing onto his chest. He didn't even bother to try to locate the sudden growling noise- all he knew was it as infected. 
"Heel, girl. We don't attack our guests." the growling subsided, but Leon could still hear a throaty growl emitting from the dog. Ada walked up to Leon, forcefully raising his head, making her face him, before continuing.
"We took you because we need you, Leon. We need your help. "
"Find someone else to do your dirty work. I won't do it." he moved his head, ignoring the fact his body wanted him to place it back down so it could give him energy.
"Oh, Leon, we wish it was that easy. But, you're the person we need for this. I need your..."
"Need my what? Strength? Brain? Obedience?"
"No! We need your fluids."
"Eww. I'm not donating anything to you. Besides, why do you need me? You've got Wesker there. He's going to be the perfect father for your offspring."
"Leon. You don't understand. He... Can I tell him, Wesk?"
"Sure. Come on, girl. Let's give your mum some privacy."

Meanwhile, back at Leon's house, Claire, Jill and Chris were thinking of a plan to find Leon. They had got to work straight away, knowing Claire would stress and freak out if he wasn't found.
"Could they have possibly left something at the place we fought? Then again, it was burning and even if there was a clue, it would have been destroyed by now." Chris sunk back into thought, trying to think of another way to rescue his adoptive brother. Claire had been silent for a while and the pair couldn't blame her. She hadn't been with Leon long and already something had gone wrong. Jill had tried comforting her, but Claire had denied it, saying she was fine, what she always said even though you could tell something was wrong. After a while, Jill suddenly had an idea enter her mind.
"Chris... You still got our old S.T.A.R.S gear?"
"What? The one developed after Wesker or before?"
"After. Way after."
"You mean the data base that could track someone? Yeah, why?"
"If Leon is on our database, we might be able to find him. It will be hard, but if we can get it up and running, we have a shot at finding their hideout."
"I'll go and get it. I promise I'll be quick. Jill, you stay here. Guard Claire." Claire looked at him, a hint of annoyance in her eyes, but she knew he was doing it to make sure. She knew he could take care of himself and he knew she could do the same, but not right now, when she had refused to speak to Jill. 

"So, you're telling me that he can't have kids with you because when he got infected with the T-Virus, it killed his fluids?"
"Leon, it sounds stupid, but it's the truth."
"I'm still not doing it."
"Why should I? After all the crap you've done to me. Scaring me, kidnapping me from my girlfriend, whose probably worried sick about me? Or had you forgotten? Seems you're good at doing that."
"Leon... Please don't start. Not now."
"Go and screw off. I couldn't care less." he turned his head away, closing his eyes so he could ignore her. She sighed, before leaving him in the basement, the dim light still on. As soon as he heard the door close and lock, he opened his eyes, deeply exhaling. He didn't want to be cruel, since it seemed they wanted to have a child, but what if she used that against him? He had just gotten into a relationship that he wanted to last. He wanted it to develop, but with her around, it just couldn't. She wouldn't let it happen. He used the chains to sit up, having to use all the strength his muscles could muster to pull himself. He tucked his legs under him, propping him up further. He closed his eyes, trying not to think about Claire and how sad she must feel, before he heard a beeping noise nearby. He looked and saw they had left his phone on the desk near him. He moved his head up, craning his neck to catch a glimpse of the message. All he could read was "Coming" "Stay." "Safe." Then, another message said "Stay Down."  He wondered what he meant, before he heard a loud crash from the top. 
"Of course... Claire and the gang are here."

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