Chapter 7: Pain, pancakes and panic.

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Claire woke up the next day, before realising what she was lying on. Leon's chest. She jumped in shock, before groaning at the pain coming in between her legs. She watched as her crush then woke up, before looking at her in sympathy. 
"Sorry, Claire. I caused this pain." he hid his pain as he moved slightly, trying to adjust himself into a sitting position. 
"Hey, don't blame yourself. I wanted you to do it. The pain is worth it anyway- you felt goddamn good. I would come back for seconds any day." she smirked at her own joke, before settling down on Leon, ignoring the pain as she once again focused on his heartbeat and closed her eyes. She wanted to settle back down onto him, to go back to sleep, but he didn't feel as tired anymore. 
"Hey, Claire? How about I make you my award winning pancakes, some coffee and bring it upstairs to you? My treat." 
"Sure, babe."
"Babe?" he laughed as he saw Claire's face get covered in a deep red hue, before she tried to bury her face in his chest. He then moved slowly so as not to trigger any more pain for her, before he then proceeded to put on his dressing gown and went downstairs. He immediately went to action, placing two trays down, along with plates nearby so he could transfer the pancakes onto the plates. Whilst he waited for the pancakes to bake, which was a long time since he had made them big and he was doing four each, he cut the strawberries into halves and placed some blueberries into a separate bowl. He repeated the process, before putting a bit of lemon juice on them so they would stay fresh in the air. After what seemed like a day to Leon, the final two pancakes were done. The other ones were thankfully still warm, so he placed the final pancakes, added a small vase and flowers again for Claire, along with a note for her to read, before he grabbed the trays and took them upstairs, being careful to not spill their coffee everywhere. He gently opened the door, before walking to Claire's side of the bed and placing the tray on her lap. She saw the note and read it, smiling.
"You softie."
"You know I'm soft."
"Yeah. You're my softie,"she pressed her head against his shoulder after she said this, before she grabbed her coffee and raised it in a toasting motion. "A toast?"
"A toast," he repeated her motion, before declaring "to you, my one true love. For being here, in good health and spirits, for sharing my bed without fear and for giving me one of the best nights of my life last night. To you, Claire Redfield."
"At toast, to you, Mr Kennedy. For accepting my feelings, in good health and good spirit and for opening up your house for me to stay in on those nights we go out or for nights like last night. To you, the love of my life." they clinked their mugs together, before taking a swig and starting to eat their breakfast, using up most of the first bottle of squirty cream Leon had. 

[Half an hour later. Claire had attempted to get out of bed, but she couldn't move one of her legs, since if she did it would cause her a lot of pain. Leon had brought her stuff upstairs and had stayed by her all of the day, except for ten minutes when he went to the shop to buy a few things. The time was 6:38pm.]

The couple were snuggled together, their warm bodies keeping each other company. Claire still felt a bit of pain between her legs, but she ignored it, instead pushing her face onto Leon's chest again. However, the moment didn't last long as her phone began to ring. Leon looked at her phone, before immediately pushing it into her hands. 
"It's Chris!"
"Why didn't you answer?"
"What would he think if I answered, Claire? Honestly, you know your brother like the back of your hand." 
"Alright. Be quiet then." she answered the phone, hearing two voices immediately. They talked for a few minutes, before Claire said goodbye and turned back to Leon.
"It was Jill and Chris."
"What did they say?"
"The usual. Like, when are we next meeting them up for a drink and what not, the same routine. But, he also asked where I was, as to which I just pretended to not hear him. Jill kept asking all kinds of questions, one of them being "Have you heard from Kennedy? He messaged last night and then nothing." "
"You should have said you had and that he was lying right next to you as you all spoke. Before you ask, I texted her what drink she wanted in case we came back here next week- I think this week we should order food, have a drink here and play something stupid like truth and dare, just to spice it up a little bit."
"Yeah, I'm down for that. But first, we got to figure out how I'm going to get home. The weekend is in a few days, yeah, but what am I going to do? I don't know how long this pain will last."
"Hey. That can all be figured out. You could say that you wanted to come here early to give me company and talk about a few things. I mean, you could say the night before, you came here with a few drinks and we had a couple of drinks, so you decided to stay here. If you want, we can drive down to yours and get you some clothes either in a bit or tomorrow, if the pain worsens."
"How about tomorrow? I just want to sleep right now, right by you. If that's okay, I would rather call it an early night."
"Sure. Hang on though- I'm going to the toilet. I'll carry you after and leave you to it, so you don't get uncomfortable. Even though you are wearing some of my spare pyjamas." he got up, leaving Claire to hold onto his warm embrace. The pain between her legs had gone away a little bit, so she could move a little. She rolled her body onto her back, waiting patiently for Leon.

After the couple had got into bed, they decided to instead watch the Queen film again, since Claire wanted to know the ending and maybe this time Leon would be able to understand it, as to which he was correct. They paused it when one of them needed something and when Leon went to bring the dinner upstairs, Claire paused it for him, knowing he was just as interested as her. Then, when the film was over, they had a final drink and cuddled, sending each other into a deep sleep.

If only they knew that they were being watched by a female in red...

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