Charlie, his up to the minute friend, was sitting beside him in the backseat. She was scrolling away on her phone, headphones connected to the joint. Her body swayed in the heat of the silenced music. Sam was also on his phone, and it looked like he was texting somebody. Castiel never understood phones, and why they were so time-consuming and addictive to people. Dean was the one driving of course, his hands on the wheel tapping an unqualified beat.

"Alright Cas," Dean finally looked in the rearview mirror to lock eyes with him, "this is the best bar in the joint. You excited?"

"I suppose. It is nice going outside." Castiel replied, his vocabulary still angel-inducing. He could never seem to sound like a Winchester, yet. Different references that he didn't understand would confuse him.

"Yeah, I guess. But you gotta stick with us, alright? No hooking up with chicks." 

"Okay." he replied, stumped at why he would 'hook up' with an adolescent hen.

Dean looked back down, the headlights lighting up the dark and eccentric road ahead of them. The wheels chirring with speed, and the trees were whirring past them. Castiel had been at a bar before, but Dean was expecting him to drink alcohol which Cas was not thrilled about.

They parked in the lot of the bar, the music was stifle and vulgar to Cas. He didn't understand the music and why it was so loud. Dean clicked the Impala's stick into park and Sam, Dean and Charlie all opened their doors at the same time and got out, leaving Castiel inside while he tried to open the door himself, but he struggled getting a grip and he pulled instead of pushing.

Dean ended up having to open the door for him and Cas got out embarrassed. He despised asking for help, especially if it was basic human functions. It had been weeks since Castiel had became human, so he was self-conscious that he hadn't caught on on a lot of stuff yet. Dean rolled his eyes as he grabbed Castiel's arm signaling that he had to hurry up. 

Sam opened the door for everybody, the music pouring out and getting louder with each step. Dean patted Cas' back, silently telling him he'll be fine. Dean was so two-faced it seemed. Somedays he was sweet and thoughtful, while other days he was mean and introverted. Usually around the ex-angel, though, he was the first one. Different moods on different days, he supposed.

Evidently, Dean had already found a table for them to sit at. Dean looked at Castiel, who was squinted at a half naked stripper. Dean nodded, biting his lip. They continued walking, brushing past different people, some bouncers, some shirtless men for no apparent reason. Castiel felt the fabric through his trench coat of some people's sweaty and gross arms. All he could smell was beer and vodka, which was not a pleasant smell in his opinion.

They all pulled out chairs of a table and sat down. Sam and Charlie sat on one side, and Dean and Castiel on the other. Dean wanted the side that was facing the stripper's floor, and for some reason he got what he wanted.

"How come Cassie can see the girls and not me?" Charlie smiled, trying to make people talk. Cassie triggered a memory for Dean, him hooking up with a beautiful girl who had a boyfriend.

"Ya'll can switch if you want," he winked, apparently saying an innuendo that made Sam look up from the table and made him chuckle.

Sam replied, getting in on the joke that Cas could not understand, "I'm sure he would really like being on the other side."

They all three laughed as Castiel shrugged his shoulders in, trying to make himself smaller. He didn't like to be the head of the joke, especially when he had no idea what it was about. Castiel wasn't very funny, even as an angel. 

Castiel didn't want to switch sides, since him being around Dean made him feel safer, especially in public, when Lucifer was on the hunt for him. What if Lucifer captured him right then and there, in the bar? Dean had seemed to forget, so instead of remembering, he wanted to go out and 'have fun'. This was not fun to Castiel, but he wanted to get fresh air, so he wallowed.

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