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this art right here is by lizleeships on Tumblr! they gave me permission to put this on my story, its what Cas' back looks like after Dean ripped his wings. lizleeships is such an amazing artist so if you could, go and follow them!

"it is not the pain, it's about who it came from." drishti bablani 

"Where to, Castiel?" Dean asked the mentioned, both of his hands on the wheel. He was tapping two fingers to the beat of a song playing in the background. Cas stayed quiet, looking out the window and into the streets of small town Lebanon.

The younger nodded his head and pursed his lips. He opened his mouth to say something but said nothing. As he began driving again, Cas looked over at Dean's hand now resting on the console, his were slightly bruised and cut open. They every now and then flinched from a small sound or a sharp turn. Cas pondered why his form was so fragile. Dean was so strong yet his body was so broken.

Studying the humans, Cas had so many questions about human life. He understood biology and anatomy but he didn't understand emotions. Why do people feel guilty, or why do people always compete to win? Human psychology always confused angels. God was proud of humans but he never explained how they behaved, angels had to figure it out on their own. 

Exactly 15 minutes of silence, Cas counted, they arrived in another town, Esbon. It was just as tiny as Lebanon, but it had more things to do. He parked into a lot outside a small-scale building and Dean was the first one out of the car. Cas stepped out and was immediately hit by a blast of heat, cicadas were singing, and the blue eyed man could see the heat waves upon the horizon. He turned his head to see a motioning Dean to come over.

He looked at the building and the words Village Coffee Shop were displayed over a flat roof, next to it was a place called Haven, which Cas wasn't sure what it was. The outside was paved and multiple machines that sold newspapers were placed solidly on the ground.

They both walked inside, Dean holding the door for Cas to walk in, another thing that he didn't understand about humans. A bell chimed and multiple heads turned to the two men. Cas stared in discomfort at a certain man who lingered his eyes for a bit too long. Cas scratched his neck and focused on a lady who came from the kitchen  to greet them.

"Welcome!" Her voice was ecstatic and cheerful, "Just the two of you?"

The green eyed man replied with a simple yes, she grabbed two menus and motioned for the both of them to follow her. Dean followed but he soon turned to see Cas was missing, he had stayed in the same spot, not paying attention. 

Under his breath, Dean said loudly enough, "Cas! Get your ass over here."

Cas snapped out of his train of thought and sat down in the booth opposite from him. Cas slouched awkwardly because he saw the man once again, staring. The man was bald with a beard that looked like he hadn't shaved it in a week. Cas' shoulders relaxed as soon as the bald man turned back around to drink his coffee.

The blue eyed man wasn't sure what awkwardness completely was, but he was almost ninety-nine percent sure that's exactly what it was. Silence filled between the both of them, once again, Castiel hadn't talked in what seemed like an hour. He wasn't sure when it was necessary to talk, he always learned to talk when spoken to.

Almost like Dean was reading his mind, he spoke up, "Why don't you talk, man?"

Cas turned his gaze from the ceiling and onto Dean's green eyes, "I am not sure. There is nothing of importance to talk about at the moment."

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