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thank you all so much for the votes and comments! I go through the comments and I smile because of your faith in my writing. thank you!

"depression, is being sad and not remembering why." atticus

Sam watched as Dean marched into the tiny building, and he leaned against the Impala worriedly. Dean opened the door and snuck inside. 

The tall one looked up to the sky and saw the glistening stars. Space amazed him, and he softly smiled. He dug his soles into the dirt with his hands in his pockets, and his long hair swayed in the wind.

At the same time, Dean was trying to figure out a way to kill the man. Or demon. Dean wasn't sure what it was which what terrified him. He plotted a plan in his head, he got his duffel bag and placed it on the carpet. In the middle of the hallway, he dug out two knives. One he had in his dominant hand and the other he put in his pocket. He left the bag on a table and went into the main room.

He saw the man once again. He was dressed up in black dress pants, a white shirt, a dark suit jacket, and a tie that wasn't fixed right. But what fascinated Dean the most was his tan trench coat perched over his shoulders. 

Dean hid behind a pew and watched as the man came down from the light and started to kneel. He prayed in front of the altar aloud. 

"Lord, oh Lord, what must I do? I saved those people from the devil. Tell me what to do next, and I will do it," His voice was gruff and low, the man, still kneeling took off his trench coat and let his wings free. Black feathered wings perched over his body, and the wings seemed to be made out of a shadow. "I understand now, thank you- AH!"

The angel screamed in agony as Dean stabbed his back where the wings came out. Dean turned the blade and the angel screamed even more, the lights flickered and eventually exploded. He took out the knife but instead of blood, it was pure light. The light oozed out of his back and his wings crippled from the pain.

The man turned around and Dean's face was in pure shock. What did he do? The hurt one grunted and his wings began to crack. He turned again and put his hands on his neck, he looked up and cried out. The shadowy feathers began to fall off and the only thing left was bone. Dean had stabbed him right where his wings connected, and he felt terrible.

Dean scrambled up to him and picked him up bridal style, the man clutching his trench coat around his body. Dean looked down at him and stared at his baby blue eyes filled with tears. His light dripped down on the carpet and seeped into the floor. He began running with the hurt one in his arms, he grabbed his duffel bag and bursted outside. Sam looked down and saw a panting Dean with the man.

"Holy shit, what happened?" Sam asked with his eyes wide open, looking down at the both of them.

"I stabbed an angel," Dean managed to breathe out, "And he's dying. Act quick!"

Dean slipped him in the back of the Impala and put his bag in the trunk. He ran to the front seat and started the ignition. Sam grabbed a cloth and a bandage and sat next to the man trying to stop the bleeding. Dean slammed on the accelerator and began driving.

Tears slid down the angel's cheeks, he didn't know why he felt pain. But he hated it. He hated the humans. Sam eventually stopped his bleeding and he started to wrap up his bare back. Dean looked in the rear view mirror.

"So.. um. What is your name? If you have one."

The man paused, trying to think. "I'm an angel of the Lord, and I was given the name Castiel."

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