71.)Wanting The Bad Boy.

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Wanting The Bad Boy.


"You know I could think of 101 ways to fall in love with a bad boy " I asked breathily against his lips "But this wasn't even one" I finished slowly pressing my lips to his. My fingers made their way through his out grown hair as he dominated the kiss. "Well Kit, make this 102." _________________________________________________________ Ariana Smith is that girl, the smart, cute, helpful, honest down to earth, nerdy girl that everyone pretty much ignores and well, she's okay with that because in her description she's the girl who's awesome, crazy, eat a hamburger in your face with a dash of your normal American teenager, simply she the girl who girl you wanna be. NOT REALLY. But shes comfortable in her skin. and that's good enough. I don't do cliche, so lets see how crazy, eat a hamburger in your face, with a dash of your normal American teenager Ariana Smith, ends up Wanting The Badboy...Cole Rivers that is.

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