I'm just that awesome

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Let’s get real, I know I am truly one of the smartest people in the world. This simple fact is not because I have good grades or that I’m street smart; I am just smart. I know how the world works, how you’re supposed to speak to people, how to not get pregnant, how to be myself, and how to be true to myself; not others but me. I am one of those people that feels insecure, then beautiful, I have my father and brothers to make me feel that way. I have never wanted another mans compassion. I am one of the lucky few who feel this way; I’m also lucky that even if I am Pansexual, my parents love me no matter what.

 I am also lucky in the fact that I don't care what anyone says or does. Frankly I'm disgusted in the entire human race. I’d rather be a duck. I use to have this friend were the world revolved around her, I was the sidekick I was Robin Hood to her batman, Patrick to her Spongebob, the Mike to her Sully, the Buzz to her Woody, I was even her Wallace to Gromit. I was Mr. Invisible, the ignored emo girl, But not anymore, one day I got tired of her lies and schemes, so I said goodbye. I moved my entire self away, I moved away emotionally, mentally, then physically; I moved my lunch to the library, deleted her number, and ignored her. No more will I help her, or say nice things about her, no more will I have to listen to her stupid “I’m so grunge.” or “I’m so white girl today.” Like seriously stop fishing for complements. You probably feel like you’re a white girl because you’re white, ever think of that? By the way, you’ve never looked grunge, more like an idiot. Now I’m free, I can fly. No more stupid blond, conceited, obnoxious, bimbos (don’t take offense if you’re blonde, I am too). 

Plus, I’m a genius; my brother says so, and that’s the only opinion I care about. I’m lucky that he’s so sweet, I use to believe he didn’t love or care about me, but I’ve recently learned that he was trying to find himself, and not a day went by that he didn’t think about me. I’m lucky that I grew up at such a young age, that I can make someone 7 years older than me feel so insecure, as if they still had something to learn. I am a smart, independent young women, and I have my family to thank about everything they’ve taught me. So I try to stay true to myself and thank them everyday. 

So thank you guys.

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