Im a Pan ✌️

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Sexuality is like a barbecue
-Some people like hot dogs

-Some people like hamburgers

-Some people get both (Bisexuals)

-Some people get both, and a salad (Pansexuals)

-Some people don't really like meat BUT YOU HAVE NATHAN'S HOT DOGS OH MY GOD NVM GIMME (Demisexuals)

-Some people are there for the conversation (Asexuals)

-Some people show up uninvited to the barbecue and wonder why they aren't offered any food (assholes)

If bi, ace, trans and pansexual people all banded together we'd be called...

How I wish I came out to my parents:

When they're goin to the store say "while youre out can you get me some pantene? cuz im a... pan teen"

But instead they became stalkers and found out through my SECRET poems. Like bro that's private.

I'm pansexual, I can make jokes about being in love with frying pans. YOU CANT so stop.......
Explaining sexual orientation through ice cream flavors:
Straight:I like vanilla ice cream.
Gay/lesbian:I like chocolate ice cream.
Bisexual:I like both chocolate and vanilla!
Pansexual:I like all ice cream flavors.
Asexual:I don't like ice cream.
Okay the asexual demographic is lucky to have me because I just thought up a thing......

so the joke for pansexuals is that they're attracted to pans (still the first thing I think of when I hear the word but I've been trying to correct myself)

and the joke for asexuals is that cake is better than sex (WHICH IT IS like OMG have you ever EATEN CAKE BRO IT'S AWESOME)

so what do you get when you combine a pansexual and an asexual?


omg I'm so funny I know thank you so much
Okay, so my pansexual friend and I were talking about the annoying fact that I can't sleep over his house, because I'm female, and he's male, and I said, "screw genders!" and then he whispered to me, "screw all genders."

I know I have awesome friends.
Sorry I was rambling lol Cx just remember!
A pansexual guy named named Peter Pan.
You're welcome

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