Chapter 4: School

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It was 7:00 when dad came in my room to wake me up, "Haley," he said softly, "get up. It's time to get ready for school."

"I'm awake dad," I said.

"If you say so..."

He walked out of my room. I got up and went to my dresser. For some reason, there were so many clothes. Then I thought. Garcia... I got a light green skirt out and pulled on a gray shirt with a picture of flowers. I put on my silver infinity necklace and my gray converse. I put my hair in a braided headband and I grabbed my backpack Garcia had got me. I walked downstairs and sat down at the table to wait for dad. "You hungry," he said.


He sat a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. "Thanks dad."

"Your Welcome sweet heart. Someone from the team will pick you up after school if I can't. Probably Morgan and J.J. Ok?"

"Ok dad."

I finished eating breakfast as Jack came down the stairs, "hey bud," I said.

"Hey Haley."

"You ready for school?"


Jack ate is breakfast and it was time to go. Dad dropped Jack off by the elementary school and then took me to the middle school.

"Are you sure you're ready for 8th grade?"

"Dad. When I was in 6th grade, they offered to let me skip to 9th grade. I think I'll be fine."


We walked into the office and dad walked up to the receptionist. "Hello. How can I help you?" She asked dad.

"I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner. I'm here to enroll my daughter Haley in 8th grade."

Ok... I need you to fill out this paperwork. Haley I'm going to need you to take a test Ok."


"I walked to a back room where a desk was. The woman handed me a paper. You have 30 minutes to take this test."


"You May start now."

I finished the test within 15 minutes. "I'm finished," I told the lady.


"Yeah, the test was easy when you have someone like Spence. No he's not my boyfriend, he's one of my dad's co-workers who has an IQ Of 187 and graduated High School when he was 12, and had 3 or 4 PhDs by the time he was 21 before he joined the BAU."


We walked back out. The woman handed me a schedule for my classes, she then told us to go and meet the principal. Dad and I walked up to the door. Dad knocked, from inside, we heard someone say, "Come In."

Dad opened the door, "Hello, Aaron Hotchner. I'm here with my daughter Haley." 

The guy looked up, "Hotch?" he questioned.


"I was just with you a few days ago..." I said.

"Yeah, I knew the principal here and he was retiring and asked me to step in for the rest of the year."

I ran up to Gideon and hugged him, "I'm the new student here Uncle Jason."

"Really, What grade are you going into?"


"Well, make sure not to get into any trouble, or you'll have to come see me and I'll have to call your dad..."

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