“Not going to swim, just go to see the sunset.” Standing up I warned.

I helped her change and put on comfortable clothing. It was June and the day was sunny and was a bit hot. I loaded the small backpack with the oxygen tank down the stairs while she grabbed strongly of my arm so her legs didn’t falter and let her fall.

“What’s the matter?” Christian asked when we finished walking down the stairs.

“We’re going to the beach,” Diana said smiling at him.

“Of course not,” Christian crossed his arms

“Why not?”

“Diana, you cannot go there as if nothing was happening.”

“I am perfectly aware that I'm sick” she responded sharply.

“Then you’ll not go.”

“That is not fair. It was supposed that I wouldn't be in the hospital so I wasn’t locked up there and you just let me out a couple of hours. It is the same,” Diana copied the position of her father.


“No, I don’t want to be locked up. Niall knows how take care of me,” Christian glared at me. “I really want to go to the beach dad.”

Christian scratched his chin and closed his eyes.

“The laboratory called and they said that they are testing the new sample to see the side effects... If I let you go... Diana, if I let you go we’re going to Boston in three days and make you the tests and I don't want to hear a single protest.

“I will say nothing.”

Christian sighed and looked her in the eyes. I could see how nostalgia invaded him.

“Okay. But return before dinner time.”

Diana hugged him and pushed me so I help her out. I took her to the car and settled the oxygen tank between her legs. I put her seat belt and I went to the pilot’s door.

During the half hour trip Diana said nothing. She was looking through the window with a small smile on her lips.

When we arrived we took off our shoes and Diana made me her from one side to another until we found the "perfect place to watch the sun set."

We were sitting in the sand. Diana in my arms while we waited for the slow sun to go down.

“What happens if we don't see it?” Diana whispered.

“I am sure we will see it... And if we don’t it won’t matter because I know how I feel.”

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