→ chapter iii

39 10 23


A d e l a i d e

Thought of the day

Rich people and celebrities who spent millions on plastic surgery are still going to have ugly children.


❝ i can't look. ❞ maneki hid her face in raj's shoulder.

❝ ssshhh, it'll be okay.. ❞ liar.

❝ mirai's in jail and momoko owes the president of new zealand 30 white kittens. ❞ a sleepy brunette named ren was tied up with over a dozen of faux fur scarves. at least i think that was his name? ❞ hiro's crying in the bathroom, chiyoe's crying in the bathroom, taemin has to begin every uno game with 69 cards. ❞

i deigned to offer the male a fragment of my attention - he proved himself to be a worthy guide. ❝ did you make up this game? ❞

he appeared rather taken aback. ❝ are you from 85th A? ❞

classroom 1-C - at the time occupied by the 85th B - had been invaded by the curious eyes of my class. it all had started with kai's indiscretion and then the rest of the class came following. after all, who wouldn't want to know how a girl fell in debt of 30 white kitties? a troupe of teens circled the two remaining players like they were the spotlight of a freak show. ❝ we are. ❞

ren nodded shortly, looking as if he didn't have energy for much more. ❝ we created it. it's somewhat complex. ❞

❝ i have a box cutter. ❞ chie gently placed an ace of spades on top of the tarot deck.


❝ does that change when you take into consideration that.. ❞ in return, takete took a draw 2 card from the top of the card castle protected by chess pawns. ❝ queen Elizabeth II technically owns all the dolphins in UK waters? ❞

❝ damn it! ❞ the silver-haired female stared hard at the cards in takete's hand. ❝ is that a 2 of hearts? ❞

❝ nope. ❞ he had his knees pressed against the ground. ❝ blackjack! ❞

the remaining students of the 85th B gasped in disbelief. 

how unlikely is that!? " 

" i can't believe he pulled it off! " 

what the fuck

chie bit her lip. daiki cheered her on alongside mamoru - according to what i had understood, they had both been disqualified due to unpaid taxes to mayor chika hamasaki. 

❝ are you following? ❞ my question came out harsher than i expected - nonetheless, i didn't bother in giving signals that my intentions weren't malign. 

❝ the only way chie can win now ❞ his gaze was intense, the atmosphere was saturated with excitement. ❝ is by playing the queen that has a mustache drawn on it. or, of course, if yukizome-sensei comes in wearing red boots. ❞

watari peeked over my shoulder, mouth full of onigiri. ❝ and does chie have the queen? ❞

❝ no. ❞ ren clarified. ❝ takete does. ❞

for once, the room was silent. a single drop of sweat ran down chie's forehead (and in that moment, we all felt second-hand tumult). a pair of birds perched on the window sill interrupted their chirping - oh yea. they felt the tension. the air was so brittle it could snap.

chie bowed her head in the slightest, her silver locks slid forward, over her shoulders. she was about to make a move. ❝ takete. you have been the most honorable antagonist to my quest. ❞ her voice held all the solemnity expected. ❝ you'll leave me no choice but.. ❞

❝ hey guys! ❞ who was the fucker?  ❝ i got lunchable pizzas! we can eat them cold! ❞

chaos ensued.

AKIRAAAAAAAAAAAA! ❞ raj jumped high in the air, arms stretched to the ceiling.  ❝ you did it, man! you did it! ❞

victory screeches echoed not only in the classroom but through all the tangent halls. because.. of pizza?

❝ SHE'S WON! ❞

❝ she's won? ❞


❝ chie's.. won? ❞ joshua stood beside me, staring in disbelief. ❝ but wasn't she-- ❞

taemin placed a firm hand on ren's shoulder, a tear on the brim of his eye. ❝ hey. she's won. she's won. ❞

❝ she's won. ❞ ren agreed, staring out the window and to the horizon like a proud father. not just any proud father tho. more like mulan's proud father, after she saved all of china. yes. ren was mulan's father.

❝ she's won.. ❞

❝ she's won. ❞

❝ she's really won. ❞

❝ she's won, ren. ❞

❝ she's won, taemin. ❞

❝ she sooo won. ❞

❝ she won so bad. ❞

a little creeped out, i stepped away - still, as far as i could hear, they kept exchanging whispers back and forth. 

❝ she's won. ❞

absolutely reluctant in accepting chie's victory, takete held his 3 carrots close to his chest. was that what they were betting? carrots? 

❝ we'll face again. ❞ the blonde assured, shadows casting over his face. 

❝ we will. and i will bring you to justice once more. ❞ 

chie took the carrots from takete's hands and triumphantly walked out.  

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