[8] All The Small Things

Start from the beginning

I peer down, my stomach churning at the thought of balancing on the wet rocks, covered in layers of slick algae and fighting to keep your poise. I scoot a bit further away from the edge at the idea of it. Suddenly a memory comes to mind- standing with Ashton on my first day at Greenwood and seeing that flash of purple behind the thick collection of trees. That was Michael.

"I saw you on my first day here. Right by the Mini Mart, behind all the trees." I say, and Michael looks at my questionably. "I didn't really see you, I just saw your hair."

A smile graces Michael's lips, as he shyly lifts his small hand to touch his colorful hair. "Yeah, it's pretty bright."

"I like it." I say honestly. Michael stares at me for a moment before his pale eyes flit away, returning yet again to the river, which continues to tumble over rocks and boulder directly in front of our eyes. Silence fills the air like honey, but it's not uncomfortable. Both of us just sit, fearlessly crouched on a stone hanging high over a river, and get lost in our own minds.

"Would you want to meet Ashton and Calum?" I ask suddenly, my heart lifting the more I thought of it. Beside me, Michael is wilting like a white rose. The purple flyaways of his hair drift in the breeze as he shakes his head softly, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Why not?" I ask. Michael looks up, his pale eyes lifting to the horizon line, up to that cave he wishes to be at so bad, and his chest deflates.

"I don't want to. They don't know I live here." Michael whispers, his voice an echo of the river below. His sweater slips off his left shoulder and reveals pronounced collarbones, dangerously prominent in an unhealthy way, as though he thinks too much and eats too little.

"It'll be okay. They're really nice people, I promise." I say, my voice falling to a murmur identical to Michael's. Michael's small hands curl into tiny fists as he rubs at his eyes.

"I don't know." He says gently, and my ears strain to hear the three careful words. He drops his hands and his eyes slide to mine, dark shadows casting underneath them.

"You can do it. They'll love you." I say. Michael's shoulders droop, his chin dropping to his chest as he shoves his hands through his wispy hairs. He breathes out a heavy sigh, seeming to be fighting a thousand voices in his head as he gets to his feet with jerky movements, as though he is a puppet at the will of someone else. I stand to my feet as well, pushing off the stone with my hands and standing beside Michael, a few inches taller than him.

I reach out to touch him, a sign of encouragement, but Michael flinches away as my hand drew near, as though afraid I would hurt him. I draw my hand back, and Michael opens his sweet pink lips to stammer out an apology, but I just nod at him to follow me through the woods, although he knows the area much better than I do.

We enter the woods once again, the crashing sounds of the river fading like the sky as we stumble through the dirt, our worn converse treading across the dead plants crushed to fragments under our soles. Michael touches the trees as we walk the trail back to the Mini Mart, where I know Calum and Ashton will be, his short finger tracing the configurations of the bark. When we reach the edge of the woods, where the dirt comes to a crumbling end and the dusty concrete starts, Michael halts, his grey eyes looking white as the sun shines on him. He licks his dry lips, and I see his fingers twitching slightly, his unblinking stare gazing at everything and nothing. I walk forward out into the town, people strolling idly by, paying no mind to a colorful boy with jumbled up thoughts take his first step out of the woods in years.

We let our wordless thoughts fill the tense air between us as we walk slowly towards the Mini Market, my blood pumping hot in my veins, heart throbbing to the beat of our footsteps. We arrive much faster than I know Michael would have liked, and I take the leading step to the door, holding it open for myself and Michael, the cold metal of the door handle sending ice to my arteries. I walk in, instantly spotting Calum and Ashton sitting in the 50's style booth, sharing a basket of greasy fries. With a hesitant glance at the introverted boy behind me, I walk carefully to the booth, where Calum spots me quickly and sets a huge grin on his face.

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