The First Date

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*sorry for any typos i finished this at 4:27 AM and can barely keep my eyes open
hope you guys are all safe and healthy, (and staying home!!) quick question; do you prefer first person or third person pov, or does it not matter?
hope you enjoy the next chapter <3 it is VERY LONG and jam packed with Delena!
****warning for citrus-y scene at the end ;) It's my first time writing lemons so I'm sorry if it's not the best!

Third Person POV

Elena got home from a particularly long, boring school day. It was particularly boring because Bonnie and Caroline weren't there, and they likely wouldn't be there for a couple more weeks depending on how things go with Stefan.

Luckily she hung out with Matt for most of the day. She explained what was going on with their mutual friends and Stefan.

It was only Monday, she frowned to herself as she put her book bag on the kitchen table. She was exhausted, she didn't sleep well last night.

She missed Damon too, even though it had only been a day. After spending the rest of yesterday with Alaric and Jeremy, she and Damon talked on the phone for hours, about anything and everything. She planned to call him tonight too.

Now she just focused on her school work. She had an appointment with her counselor tomorrow to discuss college applications and to see if she was on track to get into NYU. She was very eager, even more eager to tell Damon about it later. She loved that he was so encouraging of her chasing her dreams. And she knew she would be able to with him by her side.


She was getting ready for bed and decided to call Damon.

"Hey baby, I've been looking forward to your call all day," She smiled to herself as she heard his sweet, velvety voice through the phone.

"I know, you can't get enough of me," She teased playfully.

"You're right, I can't. But can you blame me? My girlfriend is pretty amazing." He flirted back.

She chuckled and blushed ferociously at him calling her his girlfriend. He hadn't called her that before, she quite liked it. "Well tell my amazing boyfriend that I can't get enough of him either," she told him, picturing him smiling widely as she said this.

"I will. How was your day sweetheart?" He asked genuinely.

She couldn't get enough of his affectionate petnames for her, she didn't know which one was her favorite. "It was good, boring, but good. I have a meeting with my counselor tomorrow about applying to college. I'm excited," she said.

"That's awesome baby! I can't wait to hear about it, I know it's gonna be great," He exclaimed, sounding genuinely excited.

She smiled widely at his cheerful reaction. "Thanks, how was your day?" She asked.

"Pretty boring. Nothing interesting. Oh! Except for the fact that my unwanted house guest is back from her sadistic brother's!" He exclaimed, annoyed.

"Rebekah?" She asked.

"The one and only," He sighed.

"Damn, I was planning on coming to surprise you. I miss you," She said pouting to herself, he could almost picture it through the phone.

"Aw I know, I miss you too. We'll see eachother soon enough. How about Friday night?" He asked hopefully.

"Why, what's Friday?" She asked cautiously. She wasn't aware of anything going on then.

"Well, I was hoping it could be our first official date," he stated optimistically.

"Hmm, well in that case I might have to check my schedule," She teased, hearing him sigh on the other end. "I'm kidding, I would love to," she told him with a grin.

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