The Winner

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The sun was shining, it was a warm and peaceful day at the Butterfly estate. The gentle breeze carried a sweet vanilla scent, they were back.

When Hiiro stood up he realized something, he was all alone over there. He couldn't feel the Reiatsu of any of the girls, the boys nor the master of the manor. Only him stood theres in an oppressive feeling of despair.

"This is your inner world. You shall know this." Zangetsu was atop of the manor, looking down on him, with a dead serious expression on his face and a dark blade on his hands. "Is this place so precious for you?"

"You shall know that." Hiiro jumped at the top, they were exchanging gazes, from his eyes to the sword, he already knew the deal. When he mastered his shinigami powers, he had to fight him to obtain those powers. "So, what's the deal now?"

The black robed man didn't respond, he stood silent before throwing the black sword at the golden eyed boy.

Tilting his head in confusion the man who lives inside the Zanpakuto retreated, the white haori man didn't get what was happening.

"What you hate the most is your own weakness and to overcome that, you need to fight your worst enemy." The night pillar didn't have time to react when he parried an upcoming attack, the white blade clashed against his black blade.

Wearing a white demon slayer uniform and a black haori a white haired version of himself stood in front of him.

"You have to fight against yourself."

The two of the attacked at the same time, their swords were even, they even used the same swordsmanship style. Indeed he was the same as him.

"HA. You dare call me for this?" A three strike combo made our hero retreat from the fight, he was surprised about his clone.

"This fucking weakling can't overcome me. He can't overcome himself and all his fears."

Hiiro felt a growing rage inside of him.
Countless slashes came after the flame was lit. The black haori Hiiro ruthless attacked his foe, the way he handled the sword was even better than the original version of him.

With a spin and a heavy blows he broke the balance of the fight, he cut through Hiiro's defense and his chest became bloody.

"You can't do shit. It was all your fault, Kanae, Rengoku and now Shinobu." A punch to the gut brought Hiiro to his knees, his head was a mess, his heart full of doubt and his body had no strength left. He wanted to give up.

The words hurts more the the physical pain.

"You want to borrow power from your Zanpakuto? You don't have enough faith to do that!"

Faith? His eyes went from the ground to the silver eyes in front of him, a disgusting smile mocked the night pillar before a front kick sent him flying to the pond, the cold water invaded his lungs as he desperately tried to get out of the water, Hiiro found himself unable to reach the surface, the precious liquid was heavy and it was sinking him. When the hope was abandoning him a hand pulled him out, the other Hiiro stood with a sadistic smile on his face.

"You suck, bro. I'm wiping the floor with you!" He threw him at the building, before he collided with the wood, the night pillar did some acrobatics to land on his feet.

The cold shower woke him up, his clone was tight, this fight was just like the one with Kokushibo, a one-sided one.

When his counterpart threw a wild barrage of attacks he found nothing but air, with a swift shunpo and amazing reflexes the raven haired boy counterattacked, he swung his sword at the white haired Hashira, the duel became faster and faster, both of them refused to fall back.

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