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Gilbert's Pov.

I walked on the dock towards my ship, The Schwarzer Vogel, known as The Black Bird. I paused by the common wanted board stationed at every port now, and of course saw me. Damn, they messed up my awesome hair again! It is spiky not straight!

I sighed, and was about to turn heel and walk when a certain poster caught my ruby eyes. I first looked at the two faces drawn on the poster, both were women. The one to the left had long straight shoulder length brown hair as far as they drew the heads, and she had a noble posture and a smile. The one to the right had wavy short brown hair and the same noble posture and smile.

I felt a smirk rise upon my features as I looked down to read what this poster had to say. These women only lived five months North and were Noble daughters. I felt my smirk grow as I read the reward.

1,000,000 euros.

I grabbed the poster and was careful not to tear at it. Rolling it up as I walk onto my ship I head for my quarters. "Excuse me, Captain!" I hear, and I turn around to see my little brother Ludwig. His hair was slicked back and his blue eyes stared at the rolled paper I had in my hand.

"Ja bruder? Vhat do you vant?" I ask, and he fixes his ragged white shirt. His dirty brown trousers were ripped to his knees and he wore black boots. His skin wasn't the pale snow white like mine, it was a very pale white instead.

"I vas vondering what that paper is." Ludwig said, and I smiled at him and unrolled it to show him. He leaned in a bit closer to get a better look, and he raised his brows at the reward. "One million euros? With that money we could settle down from our pirate life." Ludwig said, and I nodded my head.

"Ja bruder, und zhat is vhy I am taking it. Ze awesome me will make sure zhat we have zhis money! Und then we can settle down, und live awesomely ever after! Of course, vith vomen." I winked, but Ludwig rolled his eyes and walked off to chat with some of the crew.

I went into my quarters, closing the door behind me as I pinned the poster on the wall behind my desk. I nodded and went to one of the maps near the door, and drew my finger from our port to the city of where my cargo was.

"Gut, I'll have ze dream life soon. Ze most awesome life." I say to myself, and I hear a few knocks on the door. "Come in mein awesome quarters!" I say and I hear a heavy sigh as I see Arthur open the door.

He had an eye patch on his left eye and spiky blonde hair, formally British he kept his red coat. I had to roll my eyes at this, but Arthur ignored it. "Look, Captain, I just heard Ludwig talk about a huge reward for two noble daughters. And, are we going after them?" Arthur asked, and I nodded my head.

"Ja, und zhen we vill live normally. No longer vanted. It would be nice ja?" I said, dozing off a little.

"I guess so, we leaving now?" Arthur asked and I nodded as I exited to get to the wheel. "Hold on, Feliciano is still flirting with the bartender." Arthur grumbled.

"Hoist ze sails men und set your eyes on ze North! One million euros comin' our vay!" I grin, and the men all reply with cheers. Arthur comes back pulling Feliciano onto the ship before we lifted anchor and began to head North.


I swear to god if you bother me about how short it is, it is a prologue god dang it! They are meant to be short, in my vision anyway. I hope you guys will enjoy this story as much as I will, I got the idea thanks to my sister.




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