The show continued with Erik cheerleading and at the end of her set, he met her, giving her a bear hug that swallowed her soft body, titties and all.

"Ew, boy back up! You're sweaty," she whined shoving him playfully, a obvious excuse to touch his chest.

"This good sweat." Rubbing at his glistening abdomen, he grabbed her arms soothing his sweat subtly into her skin enjoying her faux disgust.

"Ew! Stop," she laughed pushing against his bare chest. Of course that meant keep going. "Ugh," she fussed as he kept messing with her, touching her. "Erik!!" He grabbed her tighter, playfully resting his heavy palm on the top of her head, like she was a lil rascal.

"Ooo, Y'all two get a room," her line sister, Ryan, joked walking past with a lil dance, tongue out to the music playing. That ain't sound like a bad idea. Erik leaned back and bit his lip teasingly as her eyes widened looking him up and down like he was the snack. All he had to do was ask, Ryan'd made it clear the way she acted toward him. Unfortunately for her, he only liked chocolate and she was more like toffee.

"Girl.. hush," Brittany smiled, feigning throwing her water bottle at the girl who twirled in response. Erik rolled his eyes. Brit was jealous.

"I'm widdit," he shrugged tired of just flirting back and forth. He was ready to fuck and release from all the buildup1.

"Ayee," Ryan cheered rejoining the other deltas.

"Let's go back to mine," he whispered in Brittany's ear before looking in her eyes. Her lips pursed playfully.

"Your roommate," she reminded, hand on the brand burned into his chest. He flexed his pecs for her once more and her eyes went down to them.

"So? I'll put a sock on the door, he won't come in," Erik assured. One thing about Erik that everyone seemed to know. He was always on top of the Dean's List as well as the list of people on campus you didn't wanna fuck with. He took pride in his reputation. "I give you my word, it's me and you," he promised following alongside her toward the library she'd already started walking in the direction of.

"I....," she chuckled, tucking her chin, "I gotta... study... and print a paper." She started to dip, but Erik paused her by grabbing the crook of her thick arm. Startled, she looked from his hand to his eyes and opened her mouth wide before speaking. "I-I'll..," she licked her lips nervously. "I'll get at you later..."

"Now," he corrected with a nod, "Get at me now. What's the move?" He licked his lips and stared down into her onyx eyes, into her soul, sensing nerves.. Suddenly she seemed breathless as if uncomfortable with his extended eye contact. This wasn't like the big bad Engine RED. He kissed his teeth. She wasn't tryna fuck at all.

"You playin with me," he accused watching her eyes go wide as he released her arm ready to walk off.

"I'm not! I gotta study!" She threw her hands in the air. Yeah right, he thought looking at her. "I do!!"

"You been saying later these last few weeks, Brit. You tryna yeah or nah," he pointed stepping back to watch her reaction for the truth.

"I'm-" her eyes rolled before checking who was in earshot. It made him look too. Who the fuck was she scared of? "I just wanna go out and shit first. Okay? You gotta take me on a date and NO.. Not no damn Waffle House, Erik, I mean it. I know you!"

"No you don't," he chuckled clasping his hands comfortably in front of his crotch. She kinda did judging by that comment.. but... nah she ain't know him.. They flirted, and talked here and there but she ain't know him.

"Well I heard of you," she snapped leaning in. That one was fair considering his body count was in the double digits and he hadn't been on one real date since high school. He smirked again. He wouldn't deny that he liked to get it in attachment-free... and as a young, educated, handsome nigga, why shouldn't he? Pussy was abundant.. like the trees on campus. "And you a que dog, I know how y'all niggas operate." That was true too, she definitely knew. He bit his tongue and tugged on his beard, humored. He couldn't lie like he usually would.

"Then you should know what we good at," he reminded her, stepping close to grab her full waist as he looked into her eyes again, commanding full eye contact. "Don't look at them, look at me," he quickly prompted moving her chin back to him when he felt her attention being split with the students walking by.

Her eyebrow went up with attitude as she leaned back, craning her neck as if saying 'who you think you talking to?' She looked away as if there was someone else beside her he could possibly be talking to as he glared, trying not to smile. She was funny.

"Look. Yes or no. You tryna do sum?"

"Depends where you plan to take me! You're paying. You're dressing up.. not in those boots," she counted on her fingers. "Two locations, no corners cut. I need you to have a plan. You're taking me someplace NICE and I want to ENJOY myself," she enunciated like she would on the square. "You're picking me up and opening MY door. If you can't do all of that, don't bother to apply," she spoke, swiveling her neck. Fire Engine RED, he mused to himself.

"Light work." He dusted his shoulder, clasping his hands in front of himself again. He could be a gentleman for a day. Too easy. "After this date you gone give it up though."

"Possibly," she shrugged. He shook his head, no deal.

"Nah.. If I'm a show out, I need a definite answer now. No games."

"I'm not playing games," she smiled, playing games. "I'm telling you what I want."

"You can have it... when you take this dick," he tested watching her closely, ready to walk away again. He wanted to take the Engine for a ride but he couldn't force it. She pursed her lips again looking around. Fuck was she lookin for? Someone to tell her what to do? He could do that. He pulled his phone. "Gimme your number I'll call you Saturday at 5:30 to come out."

"I got practice."

"So do I. That's early," he blurted knowing all about it.

"I got homework and an Interna--."

"Blow it off," he interjected not really caring. "Gimme your number."

She flipped her hair, her chin high with a slight smirk. She was still playing games and he could see she enjoyed his attention. Taking his phone, she plugged her digits and he texted her on the spot to be sure.. to her annoyance.

"Ok," she blinked dismissing him. When he didn't move, she turned back to the library and he smacked her on the ass causing her to jump and look back in surprise. "ERIK!"

"Saturday we fuckin," he pointed firmly making sure she knew. She had notice to prepare herself.

"Okay! Shush--shut up," she whispered looking side to side nervously again before he let her go.

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