Stranger in the house

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8 years later

“Miss Elaina…” Nancy staggered impatiently hips on her hands; she had been searching for her in every nook and cranny of the house, her round and heavy frame laboriously taking the steps. She heaved a heavy sigh as she stood on the foot of the spiral case; she cursed her stars for letting her taking up this job. She had been babysitting for many years but never had she seen a handful child like her. It was not like Lia was a pampered and spoilt child, it’s just she was hyperactive all the time; never staying in a place for more than a few seconds.

There was only one place left that wasn’t yet searched…Nancy thought. She remembered the day she came to this house. The first thing she heard was the little Elaina’s cries; she briskly walked over to the cradle and hushed the baby. Mr. Mildrew was so happy to finally hear the child calm down, that he hired her as Elaina’s babysitter at the very second.

Nancy had never had a child of her own that was the reason she opted for this job, she had raised many children but never did she see a little angel like her. Though she was strict with her, she had an overwhelming love for the child.

She saw Lia on the swing, her head thrown back as she swung high into the air, her perfect mass of black curls swaying in the wind.  She felt warmth spreading through her, all her frustrations and tiredness gone as the child’s merry laughter filled the air. She never understood how she had this effect on her, but being a naïve human she never gave much thought to it. It was these small details that made people see the unseen.

“Miss. Elaina…” she called out now a perfect smile playing on her lips.

Elaina skipped towards her smiling contently.

“Your father wants to see you…” she said.

Elaina looped her hand in Nancy’s plump arms and walked along with her. Nancy took her straight into her room and fussed with her clothes, hair until she found her presentable. She always loved to present her in the best before strangers; however, she had no idea that the woman in the parlour was no stranger.

“Ah…Lia…”Her father was pacing around the room.

He took her frail hands into his and opened his mouth to say something but couldn’t find words. He just stood there thinking about the right way to express this…he looked helplessly at the woman who sat at the desk. Her eyes twinkled and she stared at him with so much love that he wanted to go on knees and give her everything she wanted.

“Lia…My darling. She is your mother.” He said in almost mechanical tone.

Lia’s big blue eyes wandered between her father to the so called mother; she was unearthly beautiful and her affectionate smile seemed to assess little Lia. She fondly gestured Lia towards her, Lia took a tentative step towards her and then froze in the middle as she found negative energy emanating from her. She peered closely at her, she watched how the smile never reached her lips, there was a crude manner lying underneath her polished gestures which was almost cynical.

Lia took a step backwards and pursed her lips and flew out of the room. Nancy saw Lia’s little figure emerging out of the room and dashing towards the backyard. She couldn’t guess what happened behind those huge oak doors. She wanted to go after her, make sure that she was okay but duty called.

Lia ran all the way to the tree where she hoped to find her friend and sure enough, there she was standing with a puzzled expression on her face. She closed the distance between them by leaping into the arms of Lucy. She always had this warm and secure feeling in her embrace. She knew that Lucy would protect her and be there for her no matter what.

Lucy held her for a second; she reached out to her mind and could sense that she had her guard up.  She still couldn’t figure out how the child was able to create shield at times and a damn strong one at that. Irrational fear crept into Lucy’s body as she held her and she shivered involuntarily. It was the child who was doing that to her. Lucy pulled her even closer; she was going to kill whoever that made Lia cower with fear. She couldn’t even imagine the thought of someone doing her harm. Though Lucy adamantly denied it, she knew deep down that she cared for the girl, not in the guardian way but real care; almost like a bond.

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