Ch. 6- Jada

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Hey guys. It's N. Hope yall enjoy it so far. Here's chapter 6 from Jada's perspective :D

The display on the blood-splattered ground below was unbearable. I had never met him, but I had known that the lanky body did belong to the music teacher. He was being indulged by a miniature version of himself. His son. Considering the fact that majority of my best friends were in band, I had learned a little about the teacher. But seeing the endeavor take place made me sick to my stomache. The teargates had already let loose, releasing floods of tears down my face. Trying to stifle my sobs, I bent over on my knees, hoping my nausea would subside. It was all too much.

The woman on the loudspeaker ten minutes ago had been frightening enough. Her voice was frantic and panicked. Her warnings to keep the door shut and to be careful were cut off by static. We were in the middle of taking notes from our textbook when her voice broke through the murmurs and gossip spread through the classroom by my very undisciplined and disrespectful eighth grade science classroom. The classroom grew deadly quiet as my fellow classmates listened intently to the terror-striken secretary. My eyes lifted from my textbook, a rare casualty, and my own ears perked up. As her message progressed, my heart rate increased. I looked directly in front of me and met Vanna's dark-brown eyes with mine, displaying how neither of us had a clue what was going on. I craned my neck to look at my friend Raelynn, who was laughing to herself. She had dirty blonde hair, almost caramelly. She had light brown eyes and wore bright neon green basketball shorts, sweatshirt, and shoes. Her look resembled that of a highlighter, we used to joke. "You can't be serious, right? You actually believe this crap?" she cackled. I only responded with wide eyes.

"She's right. Hahaha." my other friend Jacob S. replied sarcastically. He was tall and caucasian. He gave off that "jerky" aura, but once you got to know him, he was actually a really cool guy. He had a square shaped head and sagged his pants and hung out with the popular girls and had a "shaved" eyebrow, thinking that made him look cool.

The murmurs of the classroom picked up with possible theories of what happened. A possible prank, a punishment, a drill. "Alright. That's enough. Listen. Just a safety precaution, everyone get under the tables until we get any further information." Ms. B, my teacher, issued. Of course, no one listened to her. Nobody ever did. She had a strange shaped body and brown hair that was pulled into a half-up-half-down hair style. She wore Mary Janes and a unique blue patterned skirt that fell to her mid-calf.

The class loudmouth, Natasha, yelled, "Oh my god. What the hel- I mean heck- is happening?"

"Watch yourself Natasha!" Jacob S replied, bringing a forced smile unto my face. I still had no idea what was going on.

"Oh shut up titty boy!" she remarked rudely. If I had to describe Natasha in one word, it would be rude. She had a sleek body and had hot-chocolate colored skin. Her hair was always straightened and fell slightly above her shoulders, like a bob. Her smirk of a smile usually caught the boys' attention, especially my friend Cordell. He also had mocha skin and was quite tall. He was the most polite boy I'd ever met, definitely worthy of affection from any and every girl. But he wasn't a player. He was just very genial. Plus, he liked the show Doctor Who, my favorite show in the history of the universe. If only the Doctor would've saved us this time. He had complimented me on one of my many fandom shirts, and gives the best bear hugs. I can't believe I just... left him.

Just as I was contemplating whether or not to climb under the desk, probably looking like a fool, there was a loud, crazed banging at the door. The blows kept landing on the door like the thing outside wasn't exactly... civilized. That was when my heart nearly stopped. The intercom, still spilling out sound from the wall, released a high-pitched scream that woke everyone from their senses. Through the loudspeaker, the sounds similar to that of a knife piercing an over-ripe watermelon washed over the classroom as a fading voice kept repeating "I'm going to die. I'm going to die." The voice slowed to nothing, replaced by screaming outside the door.

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