Ch. 2-Angelina

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Hayy guys, dont know how often we're going to update yet, but heres the next chapter!Sorry if it's kinda short, wrote this in a composition notebook and it looked like a desent length ~___~ but on to the story~

It’s funny how things can change your life in an instant. Like you’re just at your boring middle school on an average, boring day then BAAMM! your life is changed to an utterly terrifying, dangerous yet exhilrating apocalypse like something off of The Walking Dead ( A/N: we don’t own the show but it’s awesome!). It’s also funny how absurdly normal things can be on the day your life is changed. When I look back on it, it was the usual, sucky absolutely insipid day.

 I trudged through the hallway with some of my friends at my side. Of my friends were Yanessa, a pale, freckled-face, quirky Mexican girl; Josie, a bouncy, buoyant, blond, soccer playing female; and Logan at her side, a very absolutely, positively white diabetic, super-hero-obsessed, gaming dood, also Josie’s boyfriend.

“What did you get on the test?” Josie asked me, appearing to be slightly annoyed. 

Yeah, what did you get?” Michael F. said, suddenly appearing beside me—okay before saying anything else, I need to say how much of an astounding guy Michael F. is. First off, he’s possibly the coolest of the Michaels' in our G.A.T.E. class (well to me at least). The two other Michaels were Michael C, a Chinese/Korean kid who was also pretty hilarious and also super cool; and Michael D, an annoying, white, smart aleck who liked telling people they 'were wrong'. Michael F. had dark, tanned skin showing the effects of working outside for so many years. It somehow matched his wavy, unkept yet fluffy, chocolate colored hair. I often tried taming the wild hair by combing through it with my fingers, but it usually resulted with me giving up and leaving it to curl upwards naturally as it reached his shoulders. He had a defined jawline that made him look slightly mature; and also had a faint scar on his left cheek. Michael F stood a whole head taller than me with his broad shoulders and noticeable shoulder blades. Although he was skinny and bony, he had a well muscled body that was a result of daily physical labor. Despite being and looking strong, Michael F had a softer personality; he was kind and sweet. However, he could be rather violent at times, even if it was unintentional. That didn't mean he couldn't be scary as hell when he was mad, though. He was also funny and spectacular and someone I knew I could trust with anything. Just had to point that out, moving on—I jumped back a little, startled, but quickly recovered with a smile. 

“Why? What did you get?” I said as I playfully shoved him to the side.

“I asked first.” He replied, returning the shove.

“B+” I groaned, “so, what didya get?”

“B…” he murmured, while looking off to the side.

“HA HA-H-HA HA!” I sang, as was our tradition when one of us scored higher than the other. 

Josie’s face lightened, “Me too!” she exclaimed, “and I was sooo close to an A! Oh well, at least I won’t get in trouble. No one has an A in her class anyways." She was referring to our first period class, Algebra I with Ms .H . I nodded in agreement. 

“Well, friends,” I said in a rather reluctant tone, “this is where we part.” We waved at each other and I headed to my second period class: science with Ms. L. I know, so normal, right?


I groan in my mind.  I really hated second period. It wasn’t the teacher’s fault, Ms. L was awesome; we both loved The Walking Dead a super awesome T.V. zombie show. I watch it every Sunday with my family, or…used to. The reason I hated second period was because of all the idiots in my class. They were mostly part of cliques I wasn’t too, uhm, accustomed to. Maybe I would like them if I knew them better I thought in my head. Then a spitball whizzed past my ear. Scratch that thought. 

I dreaded being with those type of kids, but the class itself gave me time to read or write; two of my favorite things. I really loved reading and writing; being a fangirl is a huge part of who I am, if I didn’t read, I’d probably be super lame. Her class also gave time to finish up on any homework that I didn’t do. There wasn’t really anyone I knew in science besides Michael D. and Dylan—a nice, sweet, short, asian kid who got side-tracked easily.

We didn’t do much in science that day; we did our warm-up, took some notes, and watched some videos relating to science. The class itself was pretty easy, yet the class average was a D. That proved either my classmates were lazy, or just stupid. I shouldn’t call them names, but I can’t really find a better way to describe them. My thoughts were interrupted with Ms. L calling out, “Two minute warning!” this signaled two minutes left until the end of class. I quickly shoved my papers into my binder and slipped my binder into its correct spot in my backpack.

I looked up the clock and started counting down (in my mind) until the bell rang. Thirty-five seconds. Hurry up! Thirty-seconds. Wonder what we’re doing in P.E. today... Twenty-one seconds. I don’t feel like playing for band today. Seventeen seconds. Mah goshh! This is taking forever! Nine seconds. So close! Three seconds. Just two more… DING-DONG, DING-DONG. The sound of the bell filled me with relief. I walked to the door, though my steps were hurried, and burst through the door. Cool air swept around me while the warm sun shone on my face. Despite the chill the cold air gave me, I smiled and welcomed it. I let out the sigh that I felt like I had been kept inside since the beginning of the period. 

“It’s over.”I whispered to myself. But I was so very wrong, it had only just begun.

Not much to say.---D&N

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