Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Elle was running behind Bellatrix as she and the other Death Eaters made their way towards the castle. Bellatrix's euphoric cackles sent chills down Elle's spine, because she knew how many wizards Bellatrix would kill.

Her hand itched, wanting to fight Bellatrix right then and there, but she couldn't. She was surrounded by Death Eaters and wouldn't survive if she acted on such an impulse. She refocused her attention on the goal at hand, to find Fred and fight back.

As they ran through the courtyard, she blocked the tirade of incoming spells. If she could help it, she wasn't going to fight anyone. None of her old friends or school mates were going to get hurt by her wand. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bellatrix pause her pursuit and aim for Cho Chang. Elle sent a blocking spell in front of Cho, saving her from Bellatrix's wrath and giving the girl time to get away. Bellatrix looked around to see who had blocked her spell, but Elle was hidden by a nearby battle. In the midst of the chaos, she was able to slip away from the other Death Eaters.

Elle ran up the many stone staircases, miraculously blocking or dodging the spells that came her way. On the third floor she screamed, "Fred!". She panted, listening for a response. Something pulled her towards the right, and she ran.

"Fred!," she cried again as she sprinted around a corner. And there he was, dueling six Death Eaters with George, Lee, Kingsley, and Alicia. Elle shot Petrificus Totalus at one of the Death Eaters, knocking him over, paralyzed. Her unnoticed entrance gave her the advantage, and she yelled, "Bombarda!" blasting another one out the nearest window.

Fred had been dueling that one, and he spun around at the familiar voice that had just helped them. His eyes locked on hers, but she saw the nearest Death Eater notice his averted attention. "Stupefy!," she cried, knocking the man off his feet. Kingsley finished him off, sending him out the window.

Fred felt like time stood still. He saw Elle's red curse fly past him in slow-motion, hitting the Death Eater who had been about to kill him. There were only three Death Eaters left, and Fred turned back around to help the others overtake them. Elle ran closer as they all finished off the remaining hooded figures.

He turned back around, time almost standing still, right as Elle threw herself into him, knocking him off balance. He remained upright, staggering to regain his balance, and gripped her back so tightly, as though his life depended on it. 

With her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands interlocked behind his neck, Elle pulled back to look Fred in the face. "Fred," she said through tears. 

"I missed you so much," he replied, crying too. Then he kissed her hard, needing to feel her lips on his. He didn't care that there was a war going on around them. Elle was back in his arms, and it was as if the world was right again.

"Oi! You two," Lee shouted.

Fred let Elle down to the ground, and this was when they realized Lee and Kingsley both had their wands pointed at Elle.

"What do you two think you're doing?!," bellowed Fred.

"She's got the mark!," Kingsley said in a commanding voice.

"I don't have time to explain," Elle said. "I promise I'm on your side."

George interjected before something horrible happened. He stood between Elle and Fred on one side and Kingsley and Lee on the other. "We don't have time to sort this out," he shouted. Alicia stood a little ways away, looking shocked and confused. "For now, we have to help the others. Elle will explain herself later."

Lee and Kingsley hesitated before lowering their wands. Down the nearby staircase, they heard fighting ensue, and the group wordlessly started running in that direction. As they dashed down the stairs, a large bang hit the side of the castle, blasting away a huge hole in the exterior wall. They all ducked, shielding themselves from the blasted debris. Just then, a loud cracking could be heard, and when Elle looked up, she saw the staircase above them starting to buckle.

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