Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"We're about to lift the tent. Want to help?" Fred asked, peeking his head into Elle's room at The Burrow.

Elle had been staying there since a few days after Harry's trip to The Burrow. She had been cornered by Death Eaters again on her way to work, and narrowly escaped. Being a Degray had put a target on her back, and she couldn't go anywhere without the risk that Death Eaters would try to capture or kill her for refusing to join them. So now she was in hiding at The Burrow.

"Yeah, but first can you zip me up?" Elle replied. She had just finished getting ready for Fleur and Bill's wedding, which was that evening and was wearing a mini rose-colored dress and nude heels.

Fred replied, "Sure."

Elle stood up and pulled her hair over one shoulder as Fred walked behind her. He zipped her into the dress, then kissed her on the side of her neck.

Elle turned around to face him. He marveled at how beautiful she looked. Her blonde hair was a little shorter now, but still pretty in loose curls and her body looked amazing in her dress. His gaze traveled to her face. She smiled at him, and he knew this was the moment he was waiting for.

"You look so beautiful," Fred said.

"Thanks Fred," Elle beamed.

Then Fred admitted, "I've fancied you since you bumped into me in Diagon Alley before our first year. It took me way too long to realize it, and I know I've made a lot of mistakes along the way. But I don't want to wait any longer, I want you to be mine. Will you be my girlfriend?" Fred asked.

Elle's smile grew bigger and in a soft voice she said, "Yes." She walked into him and they kissed, Fred's hand cradling the back of her head.

After the long kiss came to an end, Fred held out his hand and asked, "Want to go help everyone set up?"

Elle nodded, and their hands intertwined as they walked downstairs.

Mr. Weasley, Lupin, Tonks, Bill, George, Ron, Harry, and Hermione were all standing in the kitchen talking about what else needed to be done when Elle and Fred came down the stairs. Lupin and Tonks were the first to notice the two holding hands. Tonks said sarcastically, "It only took you two long enough!"

Everyone else's attention was brought to the couple. Hermione, Bill, and Harry smiled at them, Ron blushed, and Mr. Weasley said, "I thought you two had been dating for a while?", making everyone laugh.

Mrs. Weasley walked in from outside and asked, "What's this talk about dating?" Then she looked over at Fred and Elle and screamed, "Oh my goodness, it's finally happened!", before giving Elle a big hug.

Fred muttered, "Mom.."

"Oh, shush dear," Mrs. Weasley waved a hand at him.

"So many reasons to celebrate today," she said happily before adding sharply, "Can you all stop standing around and get that tent up already?"

Lupin chuckled and everyone emptied the house to go set up the tent. With magic, it only took about 10 seconds. It was moments like this when Elle really appreciated the magical world she had been brought into when she was 11.

After the tent was secured, Elle turned around and saw Ginny running out of the house towards her. "Is it true? My mom said you and Fred are dating," Ginny asked.

"News travels fast," Elle said laughing, "But yeah, it's true."

Ginny squealed and hugged Elle. "One day we might be sisters!" Ginny said with quiet enthusiasm so that Fred wouldn't hear.

Elle replied, "That would be so much fun, wouldn't it?" Ginny nodded happily.

Elle and Fred helped set up the decorations inside the tent, but before guests were supposed to arrive, they snuck off together. Elle transfigured a large rock into a bench under a tree far away from everyone, and after sitting down, Elle commented, "The wedding is going to be so beautiful."

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