ratchet x wheeljack

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Cyberset's pov

"SIRE" i yell getting ratchet's attention "what do you need set"asked ratchet "wheeljack is looking for you sire"i said as i walk over to the monitor "why"asked ratchet "i don' know he said just to get you"i answered back"where is he"asked ratchet "he is in his birthroom" i said, i take over the monitor as he leaves "when will they kiss darn it"asked miko "ha i don't know but what i do know is sire is going to be mad when he gets back"i said as i work on the monitor "why is that"asked raf"well you guys and me are going to prank him for one and for two jackie never asked for him"i said as i quickly get off the monitor and walk off to sire's room with the kids

Ratchet's pov

"You called" i ask as i walk in wheeljack's room "huh i never asked for you"he said"then way did cyber set say you called for me"i asked getting a little agitated as i go to walk out"but since your here mind helping me with this thing"wheeljack asked "what is it"i asked looking at it "it is a smoke bomb me and set was making before she left"he said "fine"i replied as i walk over to him. We were about finished when it exploded and knocked us back "at least it works"said wheeljack but once the smoke cleared i am face to face with wheeljack and i start to blush bright blue "but that wasn't suppose to happen"said wheeljack as he laid on me "get off wheeljack"i said as i tried to push him off "nah i think i will stay here sunshine"he says "WHEELJACK GET OFF"i yelled "nah" "wheeljack" "no" "wheeljack" "noda" "wheeljack " "not happenen' "wheeljack""fineee"he says as he gets off me "finally" i said as i get up and walk out

Cyberset's pov

"-is gonna be funny now get on "i said as the kids hang on my back as i get up on the ceiling vent and not a moment to soon sire walks in the room and not only gets painted purple but sees his whole set of wrenches painted pink "MIKO WHEELJACK" yelled sire as we try not to laugh when wheeljack and bulkhead comes running in the room only to fall on the floor laughing saying they had nothing to do with that"and then who did"sire asks and right then and there i fell off the vent onto my tanks laughing with the kids on my backstude"ha ha y-you got-ha-g-got pranked " yelled miko and jack as they fell off me and onto the floor "CYBERSET MIKO RAF JACK BULKHEAD GET BACK HERE" ratchet said as bulk got raf and miko and we drove off dodging the others on our way out.

Wheeljack's pov

"Aw don't worry doc i will help you" i said as i walked up to him.once we got done cleaning up i trapped and cuddled ratchet onto his birth "don't be mad just cuddle with me"i said slyly "w-what" asked ratchet as i pecked him on the (i forgot how to spell them)and when back to cuddling him and finally he gave in and cuddled back "be my sparkmate" i asked he just simply nodded

There done sorry it is short but here is your request Fanimae3 hope you like it 590 words

There done sorry it is short but here is your request Fanimae3 hope you like it 590 words

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