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       THE UNKNOWN PERSON WAS WAITING UNTIL EVERYONE WAS ASLEEP TO CAPTURE ADELAIDE, they made sure to be quiet and not make any sounds because if they did, the Mikaelsons vampire hearing could hear it and that would be really bad. So, they made some extra precautions to make sure that they wouldn't wake up the Original family.

They open the door of Klaus and Adelaide's shared bedroom and close it quietly behind them when they got inside. They were glad that Klaus wasn't snuggled up against Adelaide because it would be very difficult to separate the two. They quietly made it over to Adelaide's side of the bed and tap her shoulder. Adelaide didn't move so they tapped on her shoulder again. Adelaide let out a quiet groan before groggily opening her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she was taken back by someone in front of her, she didn't scream, she just stared. The unknown person was surprised thats he didn't scream but shook it off,

"Who are you?" Adelaide whispers, "And how did you get in?"

"I'm Dean." 'Dean' introduces himself, "Me and my brother kinda need your help." Adelaide's jaw dropped, if it's the 'Dean' that she's thinking about, Adelaide's gonna throw up.

"Your last name isn't Winchester right?" Adelaide asks hesitantly. Dean stare at her in bewilderment wondering how she knew his last name. "It is."

"Son of a bitch." Adelaide curses. Dean gave her an amused look. Adelaide got up from her bed and begun to pack. "What's the problem?"

"You're gonna trust me?" Dean whispered in shock, "I can be a demon or something." Adelaide gave him a blank look. Dean pursed his lips and awkwardly look away, "Go downstairs, I'll be down in a moment." Dean gave her a small smile and thumbs up before leaving the room.

She grabbed a blank paper and begin writing a note,

Dear Nik, I'm going on a little errand, don't worry about me. I'm fine, I just need to help some friends of mine and I'll be back. Also if I find out that you murder someone because of my disappearance, I will torch you.

Love, Addy

After she finished writing the note, she fold it in half and place it on the nightstand by Klaus. She grabbed her duffel bag and went downstairs. She saw Dean eating a handful of pie but stopped when he saw Adelaide. Adelaide blinked rapidly giving him an incredulous look, "Did you just eat my food?"

"What?" Dean says, his mouth full of pie which Adelaide cringe at, "The mat said welcome." Adelaide let out a snort before gesturing Dean outside where his Impala was parked aka Baby. "Let's go you man-child."

purpose, the originals ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat