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      ADELAIDE DECIDED TO GO HOME AND STAY IN KLAUS AND HER SHARED BEDROOM ALL DAY. She knew that she was dying and they haven't found a way to keep her alive. Yet. She knew that the Mikaelson would go to the ends of the world to find a way, no matter what the price is. She couldn't let them do that so she vowed to herself that she would get them to stop and get them to spend the rest of her living days with her.

       "Addy." Klaus knocked on the door with a sigh. He was tired at Adelaide's stubbornness of not wanting to leave their room, "Love, you can't stay in there all day."

        Adelaide let out a huff and cuddled into her pillow, her voice muffled when she speaks, "Watch me." Klaus roll his eyes for the hundredth time today. He was fed up with her attitude so he slammed the door open making Adelaide jump, "You hybrid dick!"

       "I've been called worse, sweetheart." Klaus smirked. Adelaide huffed and flop back down on the bed, pulling the blanket over her. "Go away."

       "What's wrong angel?" Klaus frowned sitting down on the bed. Adelaide pulled the blanket down so he could see her face, "I'm tired."

       "Tired of what?" Klaus asks softly, taking her hand into his. Adelaide felt tears welling up in her eyes, "Life. I'm tired of it." Klaus frowned and his heart broke at the sight of her. She looks utterly and completely broken, there was no hope or light in her eyes anymore. Her eyes were dull and void of emotion. Her hair looks messy but she hasn't brushed it. But Klaus didn't focus on that. He saw pass her flaws. He saw a beautiful young woman with a whole future ahead of her, a bright one at that. She would be happy, sharing laughs and smiles with her family. And then he thought, what will her life be without him? Without the Mikaelsons?

       "Don't say that, lovely." Klaus sighed, his thoughts now gone, "Have faith, there has to be a way to keep you alive." Adelaide scoffs as a tear streamed down her face, "Don't you get it? There is no way to save me! I'm as good as dead!" Klaus was taken back at her outburst, she was always calm and kind. She had all of that emotions bottled up, she was going to explode someday.

       "I'll come by later." Klaus quietly mumbles, Adelaide bit down on her bottom lip and turned, her back now facing Klaus. His eyes was filled with unshed tears when he left the room. The love of his life was giving up, losing hope. She sound like she wanted to die. Klaus' heart clenched at that thought, his head hurts. He wanted to scream, kill something or someone. He sat down against the wall next to their bedroom door. His head lean back against the hard, cold wall. A lone tear stream down his face, he was losing her.

✩  ➴ ︎ ˚ .  ✦

       "HOW IS SHE?" Elijah asks without glancing up from his book, when he heard Klaus walked into the living room. Elijah didn't hear a response so he took his eyes off of his book and his lips parted at the sight of Klaus. His eyes were bloodshot red, the tip of his nose was red too. Dried tears was visible on his cheeks, "She's not fine."

       "What happened?" Elijah asked placing the book in his hand down onto the coffee table,

       "It's like, she given up." Klaus muttered. He laid down on the couch that Elijah wasn't on and let out a sniffle, "She sound like she doesn't want to live anymore."

       "She's sad, Niklaus. She doesn't want to burden us with her death, she doesn't want us to be sad when she dies. She loves you, Niklaus and always will, that's why when she dies, she doesn't want to make you sad or even depressed." Elijah softly said, "But we're gonna find a way to keep her alive so we won't deal with her death because she'll be alive." Klaus nodded slowly, a tear slipped out of his eye,

       "I hope so."


anddddd that's the end of the chapter, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and um don't get mad at me in the future. 😪
p.s seeing klaus sad or hurt literally breaks my heart and i did exactly that so i hate myself right now 😔

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