Running Home to You (edited)

Start from the beginning

"Let's go." The two headed the back to the camp to help the others.

All I wanna do, is come runnin' home to you, come runnin' home to you. And all my life I promise to keep runnin' home to you, keep runnin' home to you.

Y/N wiped the tears from her eyes. She got a few weird stares but she didn't care. When she was with Jack, she couldn't give a care in the world. All that mattered was that she was with him and he was with her. She finally looked towards Jack to see him staring at her, with a small smile on his face.

"What?" She asked. Jack broke out of his trance and gave a slightly bigger smile than he was before. Y/N couldn't help but smile a bit herself. His was just so contagious. It could brighten her day in her darkest time.

"Nothing. You're just really pretty when you laugh." Jack said. Y/N let out a blush at his statement and her smile grew. She let out a small laugh.

"You're such a dork." She replied. All he did was look at her with admiration. Like she was the only one in the world.

Before he was born, his mom constantly talked to him about being whoever he wanted to be and that no matter what path he chose she would always love him. She would also sometimes talk about a different kind of love. The kind of love that when you looked at someone all you could feel was your heart flutter. The type of love that when you heard them laugh, you wished that you could hear it forever. The type of love that you would give your own life for the other person. That's how Jack felt about Y/N.

It took a while (Mainly because he was a grown man, fresh out of the womb) but once he found the one his mom had been talking about he couldn't be more happy. Sure he wished that they both had a normal life. That was what she deserved. She lost so much and Jack wished he could take that pain away from her. He would do anything for Y/N as long as it made her happy. As long as he got to see that smile he loved much.

And I could see it right from the start, right from the start that you would be, be my light in the dark, light in the dark. Oh, you gave me no other choice but to love you.

Y/N could feel nothing but love for the boy in front of her. She knew that since the day he was born, she would protect him no matter what. Sure, she didn't fall in love with him right when she saw him, but she knew that he wouldn't hurt anyone. That is until he threw her, Sam and Dean into the wall. But that was all Dean. He shot at him for crying out loud! She couldn't blame him. All she could see was how confused and frightened he was to be in a strange world that he was forced to grow up in less than 30 seconds.

Along the way she fell for the dork in front of her. Everything about him just showed this... innocence. He was a messed up kid in a messed up world, but he couldn't help but see the best side of things. Jack was the half glass full kind of person while Y/N was the glass half empty but just being around Jack changed that. He was the light she needed in her dark, hunters heart. The light that she never knew she needed. The light that she never knew she craved.

Just his smile alone could light up a room and that was one of the many things Y/N loved about him.

All I wanna do is come runnin' home to you, come runnin' home to you and all my life I promise to, keep runnin' home to you, keep runnin' home, home to you.

The two payed for their food and began their journey back to the bunker. Sam and Dean were on a hunt while Cas had disappeared someplace unknown to the four. They weren't very worried since he disappeared often. He also gave phone calls once in a while, so they'd know he was okay.

"Phew. I'm stuffed." Y/N said, walking down the stairs with Jack following not far behind."What do you want to do now?" She asked. He stood there for a second, thinking.

"Let's play a game!" He said, with a bright smile on his face. Y/N copied the smile and nodded her head.

"Connect four?" Without saying another word the two ran to get the game, eager to play. Y/N may have been 21 years old, but Jack brought out the kid in her and she loved it. Living as a hunter meant that you don't get to be happy very often, but Jack being there made it so much better.

The two set up the game and started to play. Since Y/N was a Winchester, she was very competitive. Everytime Jack won, her face would grow a little red with frustration. Jack found that adorable. She would stick her tongue out in concentration and her nose would slightly scrunch up.

Jack loved Y/N so much, it hurt. If something happened to her he wouldn't be able to deal with the pain. Just thinking about it made him feel things that he would never want to feel. Y/N was his best friend. The love of his life. She was his home.

"Damn it!" Y/N yelled in frustration once she had seen Jack won again. "How are you so good at this? This game is so frustrating." She said, her face growing red once again. Jack looked at the front of the box and showed it to her.

"It says for ages six and up." He said, mocking her.

"Yeah and you're like five! You're not using your powers, are you?" She asked, jokingly.

"Why would I need my powers for such a simple game?" Jack had a smile on his face the whole time. Y/N stared at him as if he had just stabbed her in the back.

"Hey, Cas is like a billion years old and he doesn't even know how to play this stupid game! How about we choose a different one? I vote on Uno!" She said, acting like a sore loser.

"But I don't know how to play Uno."

"Exactly." Y/N ran to get the card game as Jack cleaned up the mess. He let out a laugh at her childish antics. He was the kid and she acted more like one.

Can't say how the days will unfold, can't change what the future may hold but I want you in it, every hour, every minute.

Y/N brought the cards to the table and briefly explained the rules to Jack so she would have a better chance at winning. Jack was still slightly confused, but quickly caught up, seeing how Y/N played.

"Uno." Jack said as he held up a single card. Y/N looked at him in confusion and back at her stack of cards.

"Wha- how?" She asked. Jack shrugged. The door to the bunker suddenly slammed shut and two oairs of heavy footsteps were heard walking down the stair. Sam and Dean saw the two in an intense game of Uno and furrowed their brows.

"You two are playing Uno?" Sam asked.

"What were we supposed to play? Cards Against Humanity? Jack is still too innocent for that game and I'd like to keep it that way." She said, not breaking concentration from the game.

"What's Cards Against Humanity?" Jack asked, fearing for the worst.

"Nothing." The three say in unison. Jack shrugged it off and placed his last card down.

"I win." He says with a smirk.

Y/N let's out a frustrated sigh. "How!?" She asked. Sam and Dean shook their heads and went to their rooms to wash up and get some sleep after a long day of hunting. The two spent the rest of the day, enjoying each others company.

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