"Hey Lover Boy!!"

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Jackson's POV

Having dropped me off, my "father" left the school premises immediately.

I decided to go and hang out with my friends in my hostel room.

So you are probably wondering why I put air quotes around my dad but that is a story for another day.

As I was walking, I got lost in thought as my mind trailed off to how much I missed my mother.

I thought back to all the time and the moments I spent with her and I felt immense sadness.

My train of thoughts was cut off when a short girl ran into me and she felt flat on her ass.

She dropped her phone and become a little angry mess made of leaves and dust.

She was dressed in a pink hoodie that says " I'm for lunch" and a grey pair of sweatpants.

I picked up her phone and I tried to give her my hand as support so that she gets up but she rejected it and got up on her own.

She glared at me so angrily but I rather used the opportunity to take in her appearance.

I noticed how thin and small her nose was. Nobody and I mean nobody had such a small nose anymore.

She had perfect grey eyes that blended in almost too perfectly with her wavy light brown hair.

Oh and what long hair she had! I mean didn't this girl know that there was this thing called a haircut.

Not forgetting her kissable plump lips and her prominent right cheek dimple that was so deep despite her being so angry.

I smirked to myself as I thought about this gorgeous girl and how sassy she was.

Then I unconsciously said to her, "sassy much ehh" easily letting her know about my Canadian origin that irritated me a lot.

Instead, she grabbed her phone and just stormed off angrily but someway somehow it was simply amusing for me.

I guess someone had a bad day.

I continued on my way to my hostel and then made my way over to my room.

My room was different from other rooms in the hostel because what can I say, we're all children of pretty wealthy and noble people so we pulled a few strings and got a room accommodating four boys.

I found all my roommates there and so I fell on my bed to relax a little.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that all my friends were looking at me very oddly.

Oh... I forgot the intro...

So my roommates and I were all friends since we were in diapers and we had known ourselves our whole lives.

Our parents were all members of a well known high class country club in California and it continuously participated in making large donations to the underprivileged.

Jamie Alister Thompson, was my very best friend, we were extremely close and we trusted each other deeply.

Caleb Isaiah Peterson, was another friend and roommate of ours. Very funny and cocky do not get me wrong we love him.

Adriano Ramon Blanco, this Mexican sucker was another one with his thick accent that stuck ever since we were kids. He never wasted a chance to take out his anger on us in Spanish.

The people in our former school used to call us a The Hot Devils . A few crazy theories that those kids had!

"Jackson Harry Norman" Jamie shouted with a big idiotic grin on his face, " what is on your mind?" He asked.

They were all looking at me quite intensely awaiting my answer.

I knew that they would not let me off the hook easily so I had to make up something.

Then suddenly, as if it were a reflex action I blurted out the words they wanted to here," I think I like her"

I cursed inwardly hoped that they had not heard but the looks on their faces and the unmissable curious gleams in their eyes said otherwise.

Then all over a sudden they all grinned ear to ear like fools and shouted simultaneously, " Hey Lover Boy !!"

A big fat hello👋😘 to all my lovely readers.
I know I've taken ages to write(*kneeling down begging for forgiveness with arms joined and head bent*) 😫🙏😢but what can I say?
This terrible lockdown has got me a little bit busy but never enough to make me forget you

And plus I'm writing off head🤦.. Ooops!! So I take it slow and carefully.

At least I've finally  updated!! Soooooooooooooooo please vote and comment as much as you can. I appreciate all your love and support.

Lots of hugs and kisses enough for all of you.
Please don't forget to follow me and share this story as much as you can.

Alike Can't Like Each Other??Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant