"Don't Be An Imbecile!!"

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If you must all know..... Yes I am Vanessa Melinda Anderson!!

So I am late for school right now because my dumbass brother snuck into my room and reset my alarm clock.
Just so you know I go to a boarding school and we are reporting on a Monday and am half an hour late whereas Marco,my brother is ready so my parents are yelling at me!

OK now I am all done getting ready and you will never believe what just happened.

"Aaaaahh!!" I screamed. Someone left a banana peeling right outside my room..

Now I am on my butt,in a lot of pain and my uniform is probably dirty. Know what, I will deal with Marco much later.

All that truly matters right now is going down for breakfast and getting ready for the journey to school!

Breakfast goes by fast maybe because its a mere glass of milk, bacon, cereal and oatmeal. I really don't have an appetite since the anxiety of going to school is affecting me and I have to handle quite a lot.

My train of thoughts is cut off when I realise that my dad is dragging me to his car,an Audi.

My luggage is already in the car along with my brother's.

And there he sat,in the backseat, headphones and all, listening to music.....quite peacefully might I add.😑

"Marco,my darling brother," I said while taking a seat next to him,"why on earth did you ruin my morning?" I ended up screaming.

He took off his headphones and took a minute to smirk at me then he replied,"Just adding a little humor to your life."

I am on a while different level of pissed off right now but all is well. I will surely have the last laugh.

Realizing you know almost nothing about me, well here you go.

Marco Vince Anderson, my twin brother. Total jerk, big player, good looks (I cannot believe I just said that)only because of my mum's electric blue eyes and silky black hair.

Meanwhile I got most of dad's features, grey eyes and light brown wavy very(and I mean very)long hair.

Either way at least we both got my grandma's right cheek dimples, right?

Marco and I are both 17.

Manuel Vincent Anderson,my father. A big prosperous business man,somehow intolerable and way too serious to be normal yet loving.

Valerie Melissa Anderson, my mother, best cook I know,so gullible, yet loving and affectionate and passionate about children. No wonder she is a paediatrician.

Currently, she is at home, sick in bed thus cannot escort us back to school.

My brother and I go to St. Benard Secondary School located in vintage California and lemme just say I have quite the reputation and well so does he.

No one can whisper shit about me and not skip class for a week. Not because I am a bully or in a gang, but simply because i do not stand for it.

I am thankfully a straight A's student, though most teachers' worst nightmare, captain of the softball team and you'll learn rest with time.

All you need to know is that I am a force to reckon with!(literally)

I do not know how he did it but my dad managed to get us to school in time and we signed into our dormitories a few minutes ago.

I have since changed into sweatpants and a hoodie since I am aiming for comfort.

Our weekend and evening attire can be anything casual though we do wear uniforms to class. It is a white tee tucked into a short dark blue skirt and a black belt any type, long white stockings and shoes of any kind whatsoever.

Walking towards the tree under which my dad is standing, I bump into a brick hard wall and it groans.

I then stumble backwards and land flat on my ass and my phone drops down onto the ground.

Alike Can't Like Each Other??Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat