2. As If My Life Isn't Weird Enough

Start from the beginning

Percy looked amused by that.

"So, shall we?" McGonagall apparate to the Black House.

*・゚:*・゚: *.*:・゚ .: *・゚: .

"Next time I'm not taking your hand whatever you say." Percy said glaring at her as she pointed her hand accusingly at McGonagall who had the ghost of smile on her face.

After recovering their shock from Percy being perfectly fine, the group made their way to Grimuald place. The door opened to show a plump redheaded woman who smiled warmly at them. She ushered everyone in. She showed her to the dining room where several others were sat. She was made to sit between two identical redheads.

"Hey, I'm Gred-" The one on her right started.

"-and I'm Forge!" The one on her left finished.

She examined them as she narrowed her eyes at them. "No. You're Fred and you're George." She concluded at last smirking.

The twins looked flabbergasted while others looked shocked.

"Finally! There is someone who didn't fall for your trick!" Ginny exclaimed happily.

"B-but t-that's impossible!" Ron cried out indignantly.

"I've had my fair share with identical people and pranks. So, keep your toys away from me." She said with her smirk still on her face.

"Oh! Is that a challenge-"

"-we hear, missy?-"

"-if it is, that's a bad idea-"

"-keep your eyes and ears open-"

"-cause you're about to-"

"-face the Weasleys!"

Her smirk grew wider. "Give me your best. I'm a prankster myself and my whole camp tried to prank me. Keyword-tried. Mind you there were around thousand campers. Only few pranks succeeded like...once they managed to color my hair red. It wasn't my best week at camp."



"Not, I mean walking around with fiery red hair for a week?! Absolutely not!"

She glared at them playfully while the twins laughed.

"Is that gray strand in your hair a result of prank too?" Tonks asked Percy.

Percy's carefree facade dropped a fraction. "No...um...I got it when I was fourteen when I was forced under a machine. It faded away in time but I got it back a few months ago." She said as she twirled her gray strand in her fingers smiling wistfully.

"It must be low iron content because you can dye your hair-" Percy cut her off before Hermione could continue listing reasons.

"No, Hermione, it was some sort of machine...I don't know what exactly but it was one. My friend got it too." Her eyes were distant and for some reason she looked guilty.

"We weren't introduced. I'm Nymphodara Tonks-Lupin, though I prefer Tonks."

Percy smiled with gratitude as she shook her outstretched hand. Soon, she knew everyone sitting around the table. Starting from Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, Nymphodara Tonks, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Bill Weasley, Fleur Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Percy Weasley and the others were the ones she already knew.

"So, Percy, how eze the food? Molly always makez the bezt." Fleur asked during dinner.

"French?" Percy asked to which Fleur nodded.

Percy smiled. "The food is amazing!" She answered in french.

Fleur's eyes widened as she smiled. "You speak french?"

Percy nodded. "Yeah. My friend taught me though I'm not that good."

"Oh no, you are perfect. If I hadn't known better, I would tell you're a native french speaker."

"Thank you, Fleur."

"You know french?" Hermione asked intrigued.

"Yeah, my friend Piper taught me. I know a couple of languages. Greek, latin, spanish, chinese, russian and a couple others."

"Is Piper from France?" Fleur asked.

"No, it was passed down from her Mother's side."

"You seem to know a lot of languages." Bill said.

"Greek is my first language and latin is too, sort of. The others were taught by my friends."

"So, burning your best part of food is part of greek tradition?" Hermione asked to which the person in question nodded. She filed the information for later use.

From then on small conversations were carried out but few didn't seem to trust Percy.

"Why are you glaring at me again?" Percy asked Ron, who actually, to be honest, imitated a constipated person.

"WHY?! YOU'RE THE GRANDDAUGHTHER OF VOLDEMORT! YOU ARE DANGEROUS TO US ALL!" He seemed to keep this bottled up for a long time and like a mentos in coke, it erupted.

Percy merely sighed as she set her spoon and fork on the plate that symbolized thank you. "You know Ron, I think I'm starting to understand why Voldemort started the massacre and everything. You wizards are um," she searched for the right word, "too prideful."

"You think you're the superior to all. You're too judgemental for your own good. You do not even know me and here you are resenting me for Voldemort being my grandfather. My family doesn't define me, my actions does. I did not and will not acknowledge 'Mr. Flight From Death' as my grandfather." She continued.

"Heck, my family's already pretty messed up. My Grandfather and my Great Grandmother from my Dad's side tried to kill me. Guess what? I fought back. Why? Because they were bad guys. I could've backed away from all this easily. My life was at last beginning to calm down, I could've gone to college and could have been normal for once."

"But I didn't, I didn't want you guys nagging me or my Mom or my friends." She pointed an accusingly at them. "That's why I'm here. Normally, I don't really care about these stuff but I'm telling this for your own good. Being this judgemental and not analysing stuff can drag you into some serious problems, Ron. Ignorance is bliss, true but it can be dangerous at times. Remember, Ron, the whole blood prejudice thing was started by someone who was judgemental and turned a blind eye to the reality."

"Thank you for the food Mrs.Weasley, it was wonderful. Now if you will all excuse me, I'm off to bed." She gave her a smile that did not quite reach her eyes and washed her dish and went to the room that she was shown before.

Everyone sat there. They were still perplexed by her words, wise words far beyond her age.

She is not wrong.

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