Chapter 26 "Locked Up"

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Niall’s POV

Taylah & I walked into the lounge room to see Harry, Connor & Liam’s jaws dropped. They were looking at the T.V. Taylah walked forward and also looked at the T.V, she fell to her knees in shock. I quickly ran over to her, i didn’t look at the screen i whispered-

“Whats wrong?”

She pointed to the screen and said “T-That!”

I turned to the screen to see John being put in a police car with the news reader telling them what he had done. Now my jaw was dropped. I picked Taylah up and placed her on the other couch, we sat there listening to the newsreader-

“Today in London, John Carter, has been sentenced to jail for 5 years after a number of charges. 1, Kidnapping Harry Styles, 2 Taking Perrie Edwards, Taylah Bernhardt, Isabella Johnson & Eleanor Calder, Chasing the girls down and hitting them with his car and trying to kidnap Niall, Liam & Taylah once more”

“We never told the cops about this” Liam said confused looking at Harry.

“I don’t understand, how did they find him and know what he had done? Like Liam said we didn’t tell him his name” Harry said to Liam then looked at Taylah. She was shaking and tears were falling from her eyes.

“HE SHOULD BE SENTENCED LIFE!! NOT FIVE FUCKING YEARS!” I yelled madly, gripping the couch with my anger. Taylah then hugged me, which instantly calmed me down.

“Niall, at least he is in jail for now, he can’t hurt anyone anymore” Connor said quietly.

“No, but he is the reason Isabella is gone right now! I want him dead for what his done! I will never forgive him!” Taylah said standing up but then something clicked “Wait, this is my fault. He is the one after me, your all suffering because of me”

Then the newsreader said- “If anyone has an information on John Carter and who he works for, tell us straight away. Thank you and have a good day”

“Taylah, this isn’t your fault” I said pulling her down.

“But it is” She said sobbing into my neck. I rubbed her back calming her down. Then someone knocked at he door. Harry & Connor went to answer it. They came back with two police officers behind them.

“Whats going on” I said madly.

Harry’s POV

Poor Taylah, it’s not her fault at all. Someone just knocked at the door so Connor & I walked over and answered the door. Two police Officers stood there.

“Hello?” I said calming.

“Sir, may we please come in?” Policeman 1 said.

“Whats this all about?” Connor said a bit more bluntly.

“John Carter” Policeman 2 said.

“Fine come in” I said walking them into the lounge room. Liam & Niall looked in shock and Niall said madly-

“Whats going on”

“We need to ask some questions and also come down to the jail” They both said.

“What for?” Liam asked nicely.

“John Carter” They both said again.

Taylah swung up and looked at me in fear and shaked her head. She walked into the bedroom and locked it. The policeman looked very confused. We explained to them everything and they finally understood. But they were still making us go down and make sure it was him. I wanna knock John’s lights out so badly. Niall is right. He deserves to die!


Taylah’s POV

I quickly got dressed into something nice cause i knew they were ganna make us see if John was the man who did all those things the newsreader said. It did make allot of sense.


Then i heard someone knock on the bedroom door. I opened it and it was Niall. He came in to get changed.


We all got in Niall’s car and went down to the station. The boys put on their hoodies and i grabbed my sunglasses and put them on. We walked into the jail and got seated in a room with loads of guards. I was afraid so i grabbed Niall’s hand & Liam’s. They both smiled and held me. Finally we were taken into a room and their was 5 men stood against the wall. Then my phone started to go off. The caller ID said

Isabella <3

What the hell? I quickly showed Harry and we walked outside to take the call.

“Hello?” Harry said.

“You need to lie about who John really is” someone said.

“Who is this!” I said bluntly.

“I’m his boss, now tell them a lie other wise’s other person dies!” they said then the call ended. I gulped and looked at Harry. We nodded, we had to lie. No one else is going to die!

“So Taylah & Harry, who was the man who attack you?” Policeman 1 said.

It was really number 3 but we both said-

“Number 2”

Niall’s, Liam’s & Connor’s jaws dropped. They looked very confused. After that they still had to keep the real John there for a number of weeks. When we got back in the car, it was very silence. Then out of now where Niall says-


Harry & I both sighed and he kept driving.

“YOU TWO GANNA SAID WHAT JUST HAPPENED IN THERE!” Niall screamed again then pulled over the car.

Unexpected ➵ HoranOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora