The Tape

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Vincent swung open the door of his house and stepped inside. He trudged into the living room and threw Zak's backpack on a nearby seat. The gun in the bag slipped out of the backpack as it came in contact with the leather armchair. Vincent stared at it for a moment, and then collapsed onto the couch with an exhausted sigh. 

"This really sucks..." he murmured quietly to himself.

Everything had been so terrible recently, and now it just got worse. My best friend is a possible suspect of the murder of my other best friend. Vincent threw his glasses onto the coffee table, and started to cry until he fell asleep.

8 hours later, he snapped  his eyes open. He had had the most terrible nightmare. He shook his head violently, trying to clear his mind but to no avail. He picked up his phone and realized he had missed texts from the PD, the company he worked for as a detective. 

The texts read, "Come to XXX XXX. There was a shooting, but fortunately, only one person was killed." 

Vincent recognized that location as the theme park him and Zak had went to the day before. With a shiver, he recalled finding the body of Darryl. He shook the image of his deceased friend out of his mind and texted back. 

"Yeah, I was there when it happened. I'll be there in an hour." 

As he got up from the couch, he realized he also had numerous unread texts from Zak. 

The texts read, "Hey have you seen my backpack? I don't remember what happened last night. I don't even remember walking back into my house." "Hello?" "Are you thereeee." 

Vincent ignored Zak's texts, he didn't feel like speaking to a possible murderer. He brushed his teeth, put on his gloves, and washed his face, throwing on a clean outfit. Then he got into his car and drove off to the crime scene.

As he pulled up into the theme park, he was greeted by various policemen who were guarding the park. Vincent was let in with ease, for the officers recognized him as the detective. 

He walked to the crime scene, which was marked with police tape, numbers, and a trash bag covering Darryl's body. Usually, he wouldn't be bothered as he uncovered the corpse, but the fact that this was his best friend who had been missing for weeks added to the anxious feeling. Vincent stared sadly at his lifeless body. 

I'll find out who did this to you. I promise. 

The detective then dug through Zak's bag and retrieved the gun. Emptying the bullets onto his hand, he compared them to the bullets that had been extracted from Darryl's body. Darryl had been shot with exactly 11 bullets, which were now in a small glass case. The bullets in the case and the bullets in his hand looked about the same. 

Vincent then took his black light out of his detective kit. Upon inspecting the gun, he came to the shocking realization that there was no finger prints on the weapon. Whoever the murderer is must have been wearing gloves while they had committed the crime. 

But thinking back, he recalled that when he had found Zak, he had been wearing no gloves. Vincent thought for a moment, then an idea struck him. He ran back to where Zak had been curled up in a ball. 

Arriving to the spot, he was hit with terrible flashbacks. Vincent tried to ignore these visions, and tried to focus on the crime scene. 

There has to be something more to this. Vincent thought with frustration. 

That's when he spotted a VHS tape on the floor. 

What's this? He asked himself curiously as he picked it up. 

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