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Song: The Life I Never Led by Katie Rowley Jones

Continuation of Netflix and Chill

Cinder slammed the door of her room, boiling fury running through her veins. She felt as if all the rage of the world had been concentrated into her frame, consuming her entire being with the fire of anger.

She kicked at the wall, wincing with the pain that shot up her foot. She turned in a circle, looking for something to hit, or throw, or break. But alas, she was in her tiny bedroom— the only furniture she possessed being the ancient, worn mattress one the floor.

Groaning, Cinder fell backwards onto the bed. Her eyes burned, from rage or sadness, she did not know; all she knew was that everything was wrong, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Closing her eyes, Cinder tried to melt into the mattress. She longed to exist as nothing other than cotton and broken springs. She would trade just about anything to live as something that wasn't her.

A ping sounded from beside Cinder, causing her eyes to snap open. She squinted, as the light filtered in through her window, despite the masses of math equations written in dry-erase on the glass. She had forgotten that she'd left her phone off silent, having been awaiting news of her sister Peony's health.

But the text wasn't about Peony— rather, it was from her friend, Kai.

A flush crept up Cinder's cheeks. She had seen Kai only an hour before, though at the time he had been rather unconscious on his couch. She had left him there, not wanting to wake him, but knowing that she would suffer major consequences if she stayed. Unfortunately, she had suffered major consequences despite coming home at a decent time. She wished she had stayed.

The feeling of waking up in Kai's arms had been a surprise, though not a bad one. She was in love with Kai, plain and simple, though she suspected that he didn't feel the same way. They were just friends, and had been for over a year now.

Pulling up Kai's message, she read it, smiling as she saw his words.

Kai: Did you go home?

Cinder: Yeah

Kai: Is everything okay?

Cinder stared at the question, knowing that everything was not okay, but not knowing how to say it. She didn't want to be weak, or unable to handle her own problems. But after the fight she'd just had with Adri, she wanted to talk about it. She wanted Kai, her closest friend, to know the truth. But how could she possibly tell him?

Kai: How is Peony?

Cinder: She's good. Everything is fine

Kai: Then why'd you leave?

Closing her eyes, Cinder felt the ball of anxiety within her chest twisting, gaining momentum. It was like a balloon, growing bigger and bigger, stopping her lungs from gaining any air. She couldn't see anything or feel her fingers. The world was tilting–


Kai: Cinder, you can talk to me.

She stared at those words. She could talk to Kai. He would listen to her. He would look at her with those copper eyes and see her. He would understand, even if he didn't.

Cinder: Meet me at the park


Cinder sat on a swing, watching as the sun set over the horizon, and listening to the creak of the swing set and the chirping crickets. Everything was at peace around her, despite the turmoil raging within her.

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