TicciJack 1

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Jack sat with his face turned to a wall, watching the old and mostly likely broken clock on the wall tick back and forth. It definitely reminded him of his partner, Toby. Everyone called him Ticci Toby and he didn't really see why, he only twitched around when he was nervous or scared, he knew how to calm the boy down, he was sort of forced to by control of the all mighty slender man. This isn't some AU where Slenderman is some sort of father, a big mansion, pets, joy. No, this is about despair and probably sex too.
But speak of the devil, Toby walked in, a small limp on his leg as he stood there, turning his attention to the clock as well before staggering to the bathroom, it wasn't too long before Jack heard the sound of hurling and gagging over a toilet bowl, an effect of slender sickness. Only proxy's got it but it seemed painful and unfortunately Toby was in the prime of it, he always came back either bleeding or about ready to puke. Always looked like he had seen a ghost. Another unfortunate thing, he remembered nothing from his past life, all he had been doing recently was just.. forgetting. His family. His pets. At one point even his own middle name but that was quickly adjusted.
Jack slowly walked up to the bathroom door, watching as Toby opened the door, the small boy laying his head down into Jack's chest. " It hurts a-again. " He spoke in almost a whisper even Jack had a hard time hearing it. " I know, it'll be over soon. " Jack responded slowly, running his fingers through Toby's hair before gently leading him to the rickety chair in the middle of the room. Jack sat down and carefully pulled the smaller of the two up into his lap. Proxy and creepypasta romance was very strictly forbidden, it always resulted in death of the weaker of the two, emotionally Jack would be dead but physically, Toby would get the punishment. Neither of them really knew if the SlenderMan would ever find out and they planned on keeping it more of a secret rather than blurting it out to everyone they would meet. " Does your head hurt? " He asked slowly, trying to meet Toby's eyes. Though he was a bit blind, he could see dark shapes through all that tar, if he was able to clear it all out one day, maybe his vision would be what it used to be. " It hurts bad " Toby mumbled, causing Jack to come out of his weird trance state of pure thought. " Maybe it's time for a nap? " The eyeless man asked, resting his hands on the boys waist, giving Toby small kisses against the lips before sitting back, glancing up at the he brunette as he laughed softly. Jack was always happy to see that laugh and the smile that always came afterwards, he loved the way Toby could brighten up a room and he always felt a little happier than when he was alone. " How's that, a little better? " Jack asked, a little smile forming on his lips as Toby nodded, his smile widening as he tightened his grip on the boys waist, letting out another small laugh as Toby pushed his hands down, laughing like he hadn't just puked his guts out in the bathroom a few minutes ago. The boy may have smelt like fire and a patch of cut grass but he couldn't help but love him unconditionally, who else would? And of course it was legal, he wasn't going to date some 17 year old at the age of 23. Jack hadn't really been thankful since he became some eyeless creature but Toby always disagreed about how ugly he knew he was, the boy always told him not to listen to people and that he was beautiful, much prettier than an albino turtle. The saying always made him smile, he had no idea where Toby's mind wandered when he was trying to think of things to call Jack. " Maybe we could do something else? A little more active. " Jack pointed out, giving Toby a little smirk as the boy rolled his eyes, only smiling as he wrapped his arms around the eyeless mans neck. " How about tomorrow? My legs already hurt to begin with, I need to walk tomorrow " Toby teased, giving Jack's lips a kiss before resting his head down on the mans chest, letting Jack rub his hair until he fell asleep.
It was hard to tell when they'd be caught, or if they were.
Everyone knew it would end in death and bloodshed, who knows whose blood would be spilled when that day came around.

Word count: 795

This is just a bit of a rough idea, I don't like the idea of creepypastas living in a giant mansion, I'd assume they lived in pairs in small sheds or shacks that were rundown. Down @ me if you don't like it lol, definitely leave suggestions though, I'll be sure to take some ideas and see what I can do with em!

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