Quarantine Questions'

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Hii Everyone. How are you all?
Below Questions' are suggest by theshinningsoul


1) what is your favourite time pass this quarantine?

2) what new things you learned?

3) are you going with the quarantine trend(dalogana coffee)?

4)how mucj time you stay on social media?

5) any new hobbies you got learn?

6) recent movies you watched?
7) recent novels you read?

8) did you counted the tiles in your house?

9) have you learned house hold chores?

10) how many series do you watch in a day?

11) how may series you have being watched more than once in this lockdown?

12) do you watch ramayana?

13) do you go out just to roam around?

14) do you watch tiktok? Have you seen the recent trend of tiktok? Whta is it?


Have A Good Day

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