Fat Bottomed Girls

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  "Alright, we'll see you soon. Bye," Dean said, hanging up his phone and placing it into the pocket of his leather jacket.
     "Who was that?" Sam asked, looking over at his brother in the driver's seat of the Impala.
     "Nadia, she's at the bar near our motel, wants us to meet her there. What do you say, Sammy? Why don't we take the night off, hit a bar or two just have some fun? Come on." Dean smiled, looking over at his brother quickly before his eyes returned to the road.
     "I don't know, Dean. I kinda just want to go back to the motel and finish up some stuff." Sam sighed, looking at the map marked with all of the sightings and encounters of the vamp pack they were hunting.
      "Come on, Sam, live a little. I promise just a few drinks and then we'll go back to the hotel, alright?" Dean asked in a way that really didn't seem to give Sam a say in the matter.
     "Yeah, yeah, alright, just a few," replied Sam, really not minding seeing Nadia.
Dean pulled off of the vastly unpopulated road and into the dirt and gravel driveway of Nikkie's, a dive bar about 5 miles outside of Rock Ridge, Colorado. It wasn't a large bar but it seemed to attract attention from the locals. As they pulled into the parking lot, they saw Nadia's Jeep already parked. The Winchester brothers entered the bar, searching for their friend but it seemed that she had found them first.
     "Hey, boys!" Nadia called from her seat at the bar.
     "Heya, Reed." Dean smiled, walking over to her with Sam trailing behind. "How long ya been here?" he asked, pulling her into a hug.
     "Not long. So, where are you two staying till we can figure out this vamp thing?" Nadia asked, looking up at the brothers and then turning to the bartender,  signaling for two more beers, which were then followed by two more beers then a few shots. It was easy to see that Sam wasn't in the mood for drinking but nonetheless he stayed and sat with Nadia and Dean. He had laid off the spirits and liquor early on and was completely sober by the time Dean and Nadia were just beginning to feel tipsy.
Sam sat at one of the back tables in the bar alone while Dean pulled Nadia out towards the dance floor in front of the live band playing all kinds of classic rock to which Dean knew every word. They danced and had genuine fun for what felt like the first time in a long time. As  they danced more people joined them and soon half the bar was dancing and swaying to the music. After a while, they decided to return to their table where Sam was sitting, away from the fun, trying to get what little work he could get done on his phone and with the handful of newspaper clippings they had collected. Nadia and Dean plopped down in the chairs that surrounded Sam, slightly out of breath after their little dance marathon.
     "Sam, you should come join us and have some fun—we can worry about the vamps tomorrow. Besides, there's nothing we can do about it tonight," Nadia insisted, grabbing Sam's forearm from across the table, pulling his attention from his phone.
     "I know, I'm just not really in the dancing mood right now...but you guys go have fun. Don't worry about me," he said with a light smile.
     "Well, in that case, I'm gonna do karaoke." Nadia laughed, taking a final swig of her drink and sauntering up to the dimly lit makeshift karaoke stage, where the band was playing in the front of the bar.
     "Come on Sammy," Dean insisted to which Sam begrudgingly followed his tipsy brother to the outer rim of the dance floor. Nadia was talking to the guitar player off stage when he smiled and turned to the band behind him who nodded in agreement and waved Nadia on stage. Quickly, all confidence that she previously had left her body as she reached for the mic. She cleared her throat and looked out into the crowd nervously, though she wouldn't dare show it. Her eyes met Dean who gave her a goofy thumbs-up before nodding towards  Sam as if saying 'hey, look what I did' which earned a light smile from Nadia.
     "Hey, you ready kid?" The guitar player asked to which Nadia just nodded and gripped the microphone just a bit tighter. The drummer began the song, followed by the guitar player and after a moment the song became recognizable as  'I Love Rock and Roll.' Nadia pulled her hair out of the bun it was in and let her long wavy chestnut locks flow freely. Sam clapped in support and Dean let out a yell as Nadia began to sing through the first verse, more confident than ever.
     "An' I could tell it wouldn't be long till he was with me! Yeah, me, singin'," Nadia sang and pointed at Dean, smiling through her singing. "I love rock n' roll! So, put another dime in the Jukebox, baby. I love rock n' roll! So, come an' take your time an' dance with me! Ow!" Nadia yelled into the mic in a very Joan Jett-esk manner. The people were dancing again and swaying to the music as she sang. Nadia was not a great singer but she also wasn't bad; she could carry a tune and was by far better than the other singing patrons that were much more drunk than her.
     "Isn't she great?" Dean asked, leaning towards Sam so that he could hear him over the loud music.
     "What? Nadia? I mean, yeah, she's awesome but we knew that already." Sam laughed, his face turning towards Dean a bit but his eyes remained fixed on Nadia.
     "No, you know, what I mean like—ugh," Dean huffed, frustrated he couldn't find the right words.          "God, she's just, I don't know, Sammy. Forget I said anything."
     Sam smiled, realizing what Dean meant. He had seen the stolen glances in the rearview mirror and the subtle brushes of skin.
     "You think you love her?" Sam asked. " I'm not blind, Dean. I see how you two look at each other." Dean rarely showed love for anyone outside of his family and when he did it was a love so pure and deep, much like his love for Bobby, Jody, and Cas, but this love was different; it was a love Sam hadn't seen come from Dean before.
     "Forget it, Sam. Forget I said anything," Dean replied, taking another rather large drink of his beer. "Besides she doesn't feel the same."
     "You know, Dean, you'll be lonely your whole life  and so will she, and neither of you deserve that," Sam replied, turning his gaze to his brother.
     "But that's the way it has to be, Sam; we don't just get to do whatever we want." Dean sighed. "As much as I want to, it can't be and that's just how hunters are, so, just forget it."
     The song finished and earned many cheers from the drunk and tipsy dancers on the dance floor, including Sam, who was even more sober than before, and Dean, who was much more so the opposite. Nadia left the stage and skipped happily over to the brothers, making Dean' s mood shift from its previously somber state. Nadia smiled at Dean,  her face practically glowing under the bar's dim fluorescent lights.
     "How was it?" Nadia smiled up at Dean who pulled her in close  to his side giving her a one arm's side hug.
     "Just for that, I'm buying us all another round!" Dean laughed, pecking Nadia on the cheek and walking over to the bar.
     "That was great Nads." Sam chuckled, looking down at her. "I didn't know you could sing."
     "They used to pay me extra at my old place to sing Saturday nights if they couldn't get a band." She laughed. "Drunk people tend to not mind if you sound a little off." 
     Nadia had arrived at the bar before the Winchesters and was just beginning to sober up rather quickly after not having much to drink over the course of the night, unlike Dean, who was quickly drinking enough for the three of them. Sam and Nadia stood talking for a while until they realized that it was taking Dean a bit longer than it should have to just get some beers. Their eyes darted around the bar, searching for their rather drunk companion until Nadia's eyes landed on him on stage preparing to do karaoke. She patted Sam on the back, turning his attention to his brother.
     "Oh, no." Nadia laughed.
     "Oh, yes!" Sam said rather enthusiastically.
     "You're never gonna let him forget this are you?" Nadia smiled up at Sam.
     "Never." Sam smirked, cheering on his brother.      The first song Dean did was Eye of the Tiger and it wasn't half bad. It honestly surprised both Nadia and Sam and the bar seemed to enjoy it as well.
     "Hey, Nadia, I think I'm gonna head back to the motel. You can bunk with us tonight, if you want. I'm sure Dean won't mind sleeping on the couch," Sam said over the loud music. "Any chance you're good to take him back to the motel with you?"
     "Yeah, of course, I'm good." She smiled, giving Sam a quick hug before watching him weave through the crowd of people to get out of the bar. A few songs and a few shots later Dean was rather drunk and still continuing to do karaoke. It was about midnight and the bar was beginning to clear out. Nadia was also ready to leave but Dean looked like he was finally enjoying himself and even if it was just for a few hours, he was just a normal guy.
     "Hey, Dean, we should get going," Nadia said to Dean just as he was about to start his next song.
"One more! One more song! Last one, I promise!" Dean yelled back, his words a bit slurred as he hopped back onto the stage, earning a few groans from the crowd. "This one's for you, Nads!" Dean shouted into the mic, pointing at her. Nadia didn't even have a moment to process what was happening, when all of a sudden "Fat Bottomed Girls" began to play.
     "Oh. My. God." Nadia laughed in disbelief as Dean began to pour his heart and soul into the song.
     "Are you gonna take me home tonight? Ah, down beside that red firelight. Are you gonna let it all hang out? Fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin' world go 'round! Hey!" Dean called out, grinning ear to ear as he continued through the song. Nadia knew that Dean hadn't meant the gesture in a mean way at all, actually, Nadia found it rather amusing. The song was almost over when she walked over to the bar to get away from the crowd of people near the stage.
     "Hey, what's up, you Fat Bottomed Girl?" Slurred a voice from behind her but she knew that it didn't come from Dean. Nadia turned and was met with an older man sitting next to her, a beer nearly gone in one hand and his other hand sliding next to her, blocking her from getting up from her seat. "What's a pretty lady like you doin' in a joint like this?"
     "I was actually just leaving, excuse me," Nadia said, going to stand up but found herself blocked by his arm.
     "Not so fast, sweetheart. Let me buy you a drink," he insisted, moving his hand to her thigh. Nadia cringed and pushed his hand off of her thigh, standing up, no longer blocked by the disgusting man.
     "Don't touch me," Nadia defended herself, as she turned to leave the situation but the large burly man grabbed her by the waist turning her back around to face him. As she was swung around to face the man, she heard a new voice enter the conversation.
     "Hey, Reed, this guy bothering you?" Dean slurred, trying to hide how drunk he really was.
     "Move it, man, I got dibs on this one," the older man said, pushing Dean back. Dean came back full force, punching the man straight in the nose, knocking him to the floor.
     "Well, she's mine!" Dean barked back, not noticing that some of the other men at the bar started standing up, ready to fight.
     "Dean, Dean! let's just go, okay?" Nadia insisted, pulling Dean, who was rather reluctant to leave,  out of the bar and to her Jeep. She quickly helped him into the car before hopping into the driver's seat herself.  They sped off onto the main road, towards the motel.
     While they drove, Nadia couldn't help herself from thinking about what had just happened. She wanted to ask him what he had meant and was going to ask until she felt Dean's head resting on her shoulder as he nodded off, quietly singing to himself:
    "You make my rockin world go round."

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