junji ✦ euphony

Start from the beginning

And by the looks of it, the customers are enjoying her performance as well. It doesn't matter whether I knew the song or not, as long as she's the one who sings it, I'd be satisfied enough. And that's what music is about.

As always, the day went well with her accompaniment. Before we closed the place, it started to rain. I looked out the large glass windows and sighed. Nevertheless, I took my umbrella from my bag, about to head out.

"Oh no, I don't have an umbrella," I heard Y/N say to herself and sighed.


At this point, things started to go bad. I had no choice but to walk out in the rain. I didn't care if I'd catch a cold. I had no choice anyway.

I took my guitar case and put it above my head and ran out the door. Before I could cross the street, someone caught me by the wrist. I looked around and saw Junji sheltering me with his umbrella.

"You should've told me you didn't have an umbrella with you," Junji says, looking at me earnestly.

"N-no, it's okay. I don't live that far," I politely refused to his offer. "If it's near, then I'll take you home. It's getting late too," He offers with a hint of sincerity in his voice.

"I'm seriously okay, you can go ahead," I refused once again. I turned around and crossed the street, putting my guitar case over my head. In the middle of the road, he caught up with me and stood right beside me.

"Are you sure? If you get sick, you can't go to work," He says, insisting. "Fine, if that's what you really mean, and nothing else," I replied, slightly teasing him.

"What do you mean? I don't mean anything else!" He answers, making me chuckle at his alarmed expression.

After a few vehicles passed by, we got to the bus stop. He closed his umbrella and shook off the water droplets on it.

"So where do you live?" He asks while looking for a bus. "Mapo-gu. How about you?" When I answered, he looked at me with a rather shocked expression.

"I live there too! That was a coincidence," He says, and I was surprised as well. "I guess you won't have a problem going home," I reply and he chuckles.

Soon later, we got on a bus and sat beside each other. For some reason, I was awkward sitting beside him. What made it uncomfortable was that people were looking at us, assuming we were together.

I stared outside the window, watching the rain droplets on the glass to ease the tension. We were silent during the entire ride.

We got off, the rain died down but it didn't stop. "Thanks," I thanked him and smiled upon reaching the gate. "No problem. Don't forget an umbrella next time," He jokingly says, making me giggle.

"Okay, I won't. Bye!" I said and waved goodbye to him. He waves back and left. "So... who's that?" One of my roommates asked peeking through the front door, clearly curious about him.

"Just a co-worker of mine," I plainly replied, approaching the staircase. "Doesn't look like it," She says, hinting something. Even though there isn't.

"We just met. Don't expect anything," I said before shutting the door so I wouldn't receive another reply from her. She really likes getting into other's business that's why I'm slightly annoyed by her sometimes.

"It's raining again," Junji says while laying his head on the counter. He was probably down because when it rains, fewer customers would come.

I stopped performing at that time. There's no use if I continued, there weren't any customers anyway. I rested my hand on the microphone stand and stared out the window.

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