"If you're worried about losing people along the way, that's how life is. You would be the one telling me that."

Minghao directs his attention towards Wonwoo, "Hao, you might believe some people are the complete opposite off you. But, you're wrong." The younger boy grits his teeth after hearing his words, there was no need to start any commotion but he slightly felt attacked within the situation he was in.

"I'm going home." Minghao shortly states, not even replying to the boy's statement. Wonwoo doesn't mind, he was self aware that he's pushed too many buttons but sometimes that's what it took. To irritate the boy into deep thought, he doesn't watch Minghao pack his things and leave. It's only a minute or so until Minghao is out of his sight.

Their disagreements never bothered Wonwoo, his pure intention was to get the truth drilled into Minghao's head.

Arriving home, Minghao found no trace of his parents in the building. Only a simple note on the kitchen counter explaining how they both would be out late. There was also a small checklist, it held the expectations of what Minghao should do while they're gone. All relating to school or extracurriculars such as practicing the instruments he's been forced to play for the past years. "As if," He scoffs, knowing that there'd be no way in hell he'd follow any of the rules. There wasn't a way where they could get solid proof of him completing the tasks anyways. Unless they installed cameras which would be crazy, but not impossible. "mom and dad really think I'm that dumb?"

He walks towards his room, well, more of stomps. Minghao had some pent up anger from his conversation with Wonwoo, only because his heart was fully aware that he was indeed correct. There was no need to hold back with the points he's made, but, there would always be a hole that his parents filled. Making things much more difficult for himself. He of course disliked the way he was being treated, Minghao's socializing skills were ass, he himself felt like an ass and it was all because of his parents. The boy was smart, of course he knew that he was his own person and could act like his own person while at school. But, his mother had no issue on having personal meetings with his teachers and superiors to get a feel of how her son was doing.

Nobody's parents did that.

As soon as Minghao got into his room, he locked the door and threw his stuff down. He doesn't hesitate to remove his school clothes and change into his pajamas. All he wanted to do was rest and with his parents out the way, he could finally do so. Before getting comfy in bed, he slips off his glasses and placed them on his bedside table. Undoing the covers, he's about to slide in under the sheets until he hears an ear piercing yell from outside. "Who the fuck is yelling at this hour! I'll snip their tongue off!"

Walking over to his window, he doesn't hesitate to push it open. Looking to his right, he viewed no one in the street nearby. But, he sets his attention in the direction right in front of him. Grabbing his glasses in a flash, he puts them on and realizes that the noise wasn't coming from the street. But, from Jun himself.

It was either he was throwing a tantrum or he had built up too much stress to where he finally cracked. In Minghao's perspective, he had a feeling it could be the first one, but, that was only a mere assumption based on his personal feelings. "Hey!" Minghao yells, trying to catch the boy's attention. Of course it worked, because Jun whipped his head towards his window in a flash. "Shut up! I'm trying to sleep and you're ruining it!"

Jun watched the boy's mouth move at a rapid speed, stumbling his way to his window, he unlocks it and pushes it open. "S—Sorry!"

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