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It doesn't take long for you to realise that you're in love with him. And as soon as it hits you... It feels like it's the end of the world. See, the thing is, he's got a girlfriend – a future wife – and there is absolutely no way that he'd dump her. Not now.

 It’s too late for you.


It's Sunday. It could be a normal day... Except that it's not. The boys are in your town for a show, and you can barely contain your excitement because this time you're going to see them. You’ve already talked to Liam about it and everything is set up. This is a very rare occasion since usually you wait until the boys have some days off to catch a plane to England and spend some time with them. It's the best solution you came up with because when they are on tour and pass through your town, everything happens so fast and they're always so busy that it's impossible to meet up.

This time though, it's going to be different. You know that you won't have much time to spend with them, but you couldn't care less. You just want to see them. To see him.

The plan is to meet them in the tour bus after the show. Unfortunately you won't be able to watch it due to some complications, but they'll send someone from their security team to pick you up and take you there. Zayn has absolutely no clue about what's about to happen. You shiver at the thought of it. You wonder how his reaction will be. Considering your phone talk with Liam, you assume they’ll probably leave you alone with him.

By the time a black car stops at the entry of your house, you're more nervous and anxious than ever.


This is it. You're waiting in the tour bus, knowing that he’ll walk in at any minute.

Calm down.

You hear someone's laugh coming from the outside of the bus and your heart stops. Niall. That means Zayn must be there too. Oh God, they're here.

            "That was the best part! Harry, your face... Mate, that was hilarious!"

            "Hey! I was surprised, that's all! My face was normal" more laughs "It was! Lou, wasn't it?"

            "Yes love-"

You hear their voices coming closer.

            "Hey Zayn, why don't you get in first?" Liam's voice “We’ll be there in a minute”

            "Uh... Alright?"

You hear the sound of the door opening and the next thing you see is his arm, followed by his head and the rest of his body as he carefully steps inside. You cover your mouth as you see him. You feel like you're about to cry.

He lifts his head and freezes.


You smile at him through your watery eyes.

He doesn't say anything else. Instead, he walks in your direction and wraps his arms around you, burying his face in your neck.

            "Ohmygod" he whispers, tightening his hold on you "Fuck I missed you"

You shiver at his words. You can feel his warm breath in your neck sending chills down your body.

            "I missed you" you say "So much"

You let your arms slowly fall as you move to step away from the hug.

            "No" he says, firmly "Just... Stay here for a minute"

Tomorrow - Zayn Imagineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن