Chapter 2

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Hello again, I see you have reached the second chapter~ here's a cookie for you 🍪. I hope you enjoy, these chapters are unedited and I'm an amateur writer so if there are any grammatical, punctual or informative mistakes let me know~ tell me nicely though or you'll be punished~ *cracks whip*

ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

After being in this world for a day I realized a few things, my mother is Chen Chunhua and my father is Da Jian Rong who's the emperor. That's all I know from hearing my *cough* mother and my *cough* father, I just decided to call them ma and da to not confuse them with my real parents... even though they're dead *cough*.

I tried to remember what happened before what I my death; I was drinking my sorrows away at a random bar after my boyfriend broke up with me *wu wu*, and I accidentally walked onto a street and got hit by a truck. (Omg it's truck-san, the most convenient way of death (^_-))
Suddenly here I am, alive and a baby... I'm kind of glad I'm here, it gives me a new chance at life. In this life I have parents that love me, and money... this is great! There's nothing left for me in my past life... I couldn't stop myself from feeling sad about the fact everything I worked for in my past life is gone *starts tearing up*. I didn't know whether I should hope that this is all a dream.

*stump stump*
I suddenly hear clumsy footsteps approaching my crib. A small face appeared on top of mine; it's a child! He looked to be around 5 years old, had had shoulder length inky black hair and light hazel eyes.

 A small face appeared on top of mine; it's a child! He looked to be around 5 years old, had had shoulder length inky black hair and light hazel eyes

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

We looked at each other for a minute just staring at each other...
Suddenly he reached out his hand and...
Pokes me in the face ( T_T)\(^-^ )
*eye twitch*

An idea comes to me... we'll see if you will be happy poking me in the face now!! Fake tears start running down my face, his face twists in horror at the sight of my tears, showing regret he also starts to cry. Fufu this is fun~ look at his face it's so funny! I'm such a sadist at times~ maybe that's why my boyfriend broke up with me... now I'm really sobbing *wuwu*.

Ma rushes in saying in a stern "Jie Ming! Don't bother your littlebrother, if you wanted to see him you could have asked me." My nowidentified big brother looks at ma with tears in his eyes and hiccups saying"I want see small brother but small brother cry, small brother not like me*sniff*
I have no regrets! I really don't... that was not adorable... not at all...
Ma says "Oh Ming of course your younger brother likes you, he's just notused to you, you just scared him!!","okay mummy" Ming replies andpromptly stops crying. Ma comes closer saying in a sweet bell like voice"anyway it's time for little Mei to have his first breastfeeding!"

WHAT NO!!!!! Nope, no, nuh quh,
Nope... she's not getting me anywhere near her boobs !!!
She tries to breastfeed me but I keep pushing her away, NO WAY AM I GOING TO SUCK ON A TIT, NO WAY, I'M NOT INTO THAT SHIT!!!!!!

Ma grew concerned at my increasing refusal to drink, this had never happened with any of my brothers, Ming seeing me cry starts to cry himself. She calls one of her handmaidens into the nursery and tells her to go get the imperial physician. The handmaiden nods her head and quickly runs off understanding that it's an emergency.

Ma just looks at me in concern, wondering what's wrong while I get increasingly more and more upset. By now, I'm hiccuping and crying a lot. By now Ma just gives up the idea of breastfeeding me.

Da heard that Ma called the physician and quickly comes and sees me and Ming crying our hearts out and Ma looking very worried. Ma explains to him the situation and Da takes me into his arms and starts looking at my small body and mouth to see if anything is wrong while Ma starts to comfort Ming instead. I start to calm down seeing that I'm in Da's arm where I won't be breastfed... hopefully... with that train of thought I start to cry again.

The physician rushes in and kowtows while asking "what happened?" Ma tells him what transpired and the physician asks Da to place me in the crib. The imperial physician didn't previosly have time to see me due to the fact that there had been an emergency that needed his immediate attention and while he was away the empress went into labor and had given birth. It's good that he just came back at this exact moment as now he can check the third prince.

The physician hovers his hand over my body and strange green lines and weird shapes that looked like the pattern on a turtles skin seemed to emmerge on his face and body. The green light emerges his hand and surrounds and scans my body. I start shifting around, scared of the light. After a while he stops and turns to my parents with a sombre expression, "there's nothing wrong with the young princes ability to eat and drink, but there is something else... it seems the young prince has a condition called albinism, this is a condition is where the pigment of the skin; melanin is missing causing the child to have no protection against the sun and if the child has repetative exposure to the sun they can die" my parents gasp in horror, the physician ignores this and carries on "later on in life when he unlocks his inner animal at 6 he'll have some protection against the sun but until then you must be very careful to protect him"

I don't really know what's happening but I feel sad thinking that I can't go out in the sun. My parents look even sadder then I. My father seems to gather himself and says "this emperor will keep him from the sun as much as we can and keep him safe." I feel a little bit relieved when I heard that, his assurances are strong and resolute, this seems to also calm my mother though she still looks very concerned and stressed, 'oh son, you're going to have a tough life...' she thought. The physician then looks at my parents with a look of realization and worry and says; "this... this doesn't make sense..." Da demands "what doesn't make sense!!","for a child to have albinism both his parents must have it to, in mothers it doesn't always show up but the father would have to have had albinism too, something strange is going on..."

I hope you enjoyed the story <3 vote if you did~

Our foxy protagonist in a sticky situation~ (bl)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora