Chapter 17 - Another Time Machine

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(A/N): The song is 'Roots" by Imagine Dragons. I'm really sowwy bout not updating last week. The story was being difficult and I was having a bit of writers block. So anyway to to the story.

(Goku's POV)~

   I stare wide eyed at where (Y/n) had once been. She had been so unsuspecting of what was about to happen. I could only stare. My body was rigid. Slowly everyone in the air made their way to the ground. Processing what had happened seemed impossible. (Y/n) and the time machine were gone. Worry plagued my conscience. I was worried about (Y/n)'s safety. I shook my head lightly telling myself that (Y/n) can take care of herself. But that didn't stop my mind from wandering.

   My fists clench at my sides as I tune back into the conversation. Trunks was saying something about how all hope was lost. Or something along those lines.

   "Trunks," I call out "Compared to when you fought him in the future, how was he this time."

   He looked like he was having a mini flashback before he answered "In the future he seemed a little stronger."

   "Not a lot, but only a little," I questioned.

   "Yes, I think," Future Trunks replied.

   "Then-," Before I could finish Vegeta cut me off.

   "Then don't worry," Vegeta stated "You haven't seen Kakarot's real power yet. And just so you know, the same goes for me."

   "W-What happened," Future Trunks stuttered out.

   "Well, a lot," Vegeta replied vaguely.

   Piccolo then added in his two cents "Black's energy seemed to be gradually increasing as he was fighting you."

   "Yeah," I say, having noticed that as well "He's a real mystery."

   I went back into thought of what could be happening to (Y/n). My mind wanders to the worst scenarios. But I held it back by thinking that (Y/n) had everything under control. I thought back to the last time (Y/n) fought against me. She was really strong but she might not be able to hold up against Black. Especially since she has to warm up her energy to get it to function properly. Without her warming up her energy turns against her and weakens her. Sure she's really strong but her powers had its flaws.

   I make another attempt to shake off my doubts and focus on the conversation. But for some reason it was proving to be rather difficult. The only thing I could think clearly about was (Y/n). It was also hard to understand what they were talking about.

   "Uhm... All this future, past, and present is makin' me confused," I say scratching the side of my head.

   "Something impossible is happening. That is all you need to know," Piccolo states with crossed arms.

   "But if we have that ring, we can return to the future, right," Future Trunks asked the desperation clear in his voice "Please lend me that ring, God."

   "You sure get on my nerves a lot," Beerus says "If you keep making a fuss, I'm going to destroy you.I'm a god of destruction. The only ones allowed to use the Time Rings are the supreme kais."

   "I-I apologize. But if I don't get back the Earth's future will...," Future Trunks trailed off.

   "I told you! If you mess with the flow of time, it's gonna cause big trouble. You and Black are both pains in the neck," Beerus states.

   This makes me ask "Is Black going to come back."

   'Will (Y/n) come back,' I mentally ask.

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