Part 2 :- The Deal

Start from the beginning

I open the door before he can finish his sentence with nothing but a towel covering my modesty.

Yes, I had dealt with the situation and I had done it to the sound of his voice.

Horrible, aren't I?

"Xian," I say, smiling at him, "Were you saying something? I was in the shower." I lie through my teeth.

Lying is a sin, Jun.

Xian opens his mouth to say something but closes it and stares at me...No, his eyes look past me. I turn and realize that he is looking at my bed.

"Xian, what is it?" I enquiry.

He gulps and looks at his feet. "I made us breakfast, will you join me?" He asks again, and I nod excitedly.

"Sure, give me a moment. Do you need my help?"

He shakes his head and turns away. I can tell that he is not happy. I can't accept that. I want him to be happy... I need him to be happy... always.

"Xian," I call and put a hand on his retreating back. He stops but doesn't turn. "Happy birthday." I add and he turns with a smile on his face.

"Thank you." He replies, and hugs me.

Warm....Beautiful.... Mine.

I return the embrace and bury my face in his neck.

What is wrong with me!?

He gasps but doesn't push me away. Instead, he holds me tighter, "Jun, today I won't bother you, but for the next three days starting tomorrow, you are mine." He reminds me.

I step away from him and nod. "I remember. Now go set the table. I will join you in a few." I tell him, patting his shoulder.

When did he grow so tall!?

After he leaves, I take a shower... for real, and join him for breakfast.

"Lotus stem and pork rib  soup?" I ask, looking at the two bowls that are neatly set on the table along with freshly cut roses next to each bowl.

Xian smiles excitedly, and gestures me to sit and have some.

"Tell me how it is?" He requests, when I have had a few sips. He searches my face for his answer, but my expressionless face gives away nothing.

"Jun?" He asks, when I have had a few more sips without answering him.

"Mn?" I raise my eyebrows, and look at him, and he pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.

Unable to keep up my facade anymore, I laugh and answer him, "It's always. If you have it, you will know."

He pouts harder and gets off the chair. "I don't want to have it anymore!" He bites out.


"Because I am upset with you. Why did you tease me just now!?" He bites out, turning away from me.

Because I like the way you pout, my boy.

I walk to him, "I am sorry. I will not do it again. Now come and have it. Give me company." I request, turning him to face me.

"I won't accept your apology." He says pouting harder.

My eyes fall on his lips and before I can control myself I kiss the corner of his mouth. It's quick and brief. A mear touch. But it's enough.

Enough for now.

I don't give him time to react or read too much into it. I pull him by his forearm, and make him sit on the chair.

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